The highly anticipated world premiere of Disney’s “Moana 2” took place in Oahu, Hawaii, on November 21, 2024, celebrating Pacific Islander heritage alongside the film’s debut. The sequel follows Moana’s continued journey, set three years after the events of the original film. In “Moana 2,” the titular character, voiced by Auliʻi Cravalho, has evolved from a curious young girl to a skilled master navigator. The film introduces a new challenge for Moana as she embarks on a mission to break the curse of the god Nalo, which prevents various island communities from reconnecting. The film was released on November 27 and features familiar faces such as the demigod Maui, played by Dwayne Johnson. The premiere event was marked by vibrant Hawaiian performances and a deep connection to the island’s culture.

“Moana 2” presents a new journey that explores significant themes such as legacy, cultural identity, and the value of friendship. Maui’s personal journey in the film is inspired by Dwayne Johnson’s own connection to Hawaii, as the character’s legacy is linked to his late grandfather, who is buried in the state. The film also highlights Moana’s development as she assembles a new team to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. The success of Disney’s 2024 animated sequel “Inside Out 2,” which crossed the $1 billion milestone quickly, adds to the excitement surrounding “Moana 2.” The first “Moana” film was a box office success in 2016, and the sequel is expected to continue Disney’s winning streak, potentially captivating a global audience with its compelling storyline and cultural depth.