The world premiere of Disney’s “Moana 2” was held in Oahu, Hawaii, on November 21, 2024, celebrating Pacific Islander heritage. The sequel takes place three years after the first movie and follows Moana, voiced by Auliʻi Cravalho, who has grown into a skilled navigator. In this film, Moana faces a new challenge as she works to lift a curse from the god Nalo, which has separated island communities. The movie officially came out on November 27 and brings back familiar characters, including Maui, played by Dwayne Johnson.

The premiere featured colorful Hawaiian performances and highlighted the island’s culture. “Moana 2” explores themes like cultural identity, legacy, and friendship. Maui’s story is influenced by Dwayne Johnson’s Hawaiian roots, connecting the character’s legacy to Johnson’s late grandfather, who is buried in Hawaii. Moana’s journey also focuses on her growth as a leader as she forms a new team to face the curse. The film follows Disney’s recent success with “Inside Out 2,” which quickly surpassed $1 billion at the box office. The first “Moana” movie, released in 2016, was a hit, and “Moana 2” is expected to continue Disney’s streak with its meaningful story and cultural richness, appealing to audiences worldwide.