- accommodate /uh-KOM-uh-deyt/
- infrastructure /IN-fruh-struhk-cher/
- non-compliant /non-kuhm-PLAI-uhnt/
- advancement /ad-VANS-muhnt/
- navigation /nav-i-GEY-shuhn/
[verb] – to provide with a place to stay or to adapt to fit needs
The hotel can accommodate up to 200 guests comfortably.
[noun] – the basic systems and services that a company or industry needs in order to work effectively
Reliable infrastructure, such as power grids and internet, is essential for business operations.
[adjective] – not meeting the requirements of a law, rule, or standard
Many older buildings are non-compliant with modern safety standards.
[noun] – the process of improving or developing something
Recent advancements in technology have made communication faster and more efficient.
[noun] – the act of finding the way to get to a place when traveling, or the act of moving through a website or document
Modern cars often come equipped with GPS for easier navigation.
Article reading:
Efforts to improve accessibility in STEM fields extend beyond fieldwork. According to the National Science Foundation, only 3% of the STEM workforce consists of individuals with disabilities, with barriers such as inaccessible laboratories and outdated infrastructure impeding progress. While the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires accessibility in new buildings, many older facilities remain non-compliant due to retrofitting costs. However, institutions like Purdue University and the University of Texas have made significant advancements. Purdue’s accessible biomedical lab features adjustable fume hoods and wheelchair-friendly designs, while the University of Texas employs high-contrast signage and clutter-free layouts to enhance navigation. The Lost Lake field trip demonstrated the impact of minor adjustments, such as accessible bus parking and drone-assisted site views. These measures not only benefit disabled individuals but also foster broader inclusivity, inspiring future scientists to pursue careers in STEM.
Discussion Questions:
- Have you ever been on a field trip to a challenging location? If so, what tools or strategies helped you manage the challenges? If not, how would you prepare for such an experience?
- Have you visited a place with accessible facilities? If so, what stood out to you? If not, what do you think makes a place accessible?
- Do you agree that adapting research methods can lead to equal opportunities in STEM? Why or why not?
- Why do you think only 3% of the STEM workforce consists of individuals with disabilities, and how can this number be increased?
- What are some challenges that organizations face when trying to create accessible facilities? How can they overcome these challenges?
- field trip
- challenge
- address
- feature
- measure