In a remarkable event, a doorbell camera in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, captured rare footage and sound of a meteorite striking Earth. The incident occurred in July 2023, when Laura Kelly and her partner discovered unusual debris and dust scattered across their walkway after an evening stroll. The Meteoritical Society later released the footage, which revealed a meteorite crashing against the entranceway, producing a visible cloud of smoke and a crackling sound. This phenomenon is notable, as while meteors streaking through the atmosphere are often caught on video, audio and video of a complete meteorite impact are unprecedented. The space rock has since been officially named “Charlottetown” and registered as an interstellar object.

The couple reported their findings to the University of Alberta’s Meteorite Reporting System, where Chris Herd, a curator, analyzed the fragments and confirmed their extraterrestrial origin. Meteorites, fragments of space debris that survive their descent through Earth’s atmosphere, are a rare find, especially in urban areas. According to NASA, approximately 48 tons of similar debris enter Earth’s atmosphere daily, but most fall into oceans rather than populated regions. Experts emphasize the scientific significance of this discovery, as it offers a unique opportunity to study the composition and behavior of meteoritic material. This extraordinary event highlights both the rarity of meteorite impacts in populated areas and the potential for advanced technology, such as doorbell cameras, to document celestial phenomena.