I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me.
- lanolin /LAN-l-in/
- inadvertently /in-uhd-VUR-tnt-lee/
- ameliorate /uh-MEEL-yuh-reyt/
- rigorous /RIG-er-uhs/
- intrinsically /in-TRIN-sik-lee/
[noun] – a fatty substance secreted by wool-bearing animals used in cosmetics
Certain hair conditioners contain lanolin, which can sometimes trigger unexpected scalp irritation.
[adverb] – in a way that is not intentional
The new software update inadvertently erased several crucial files.
[verb] – to improve
City officials introduced measures to ameliorate traffic congestion during rush hour.
[adjective] – extremely strict or thorough
The competition implemented a rigorous judging process that left no detail unchecked.
[adverb] – inherently or fundamentally
Many scholars argue that creativity is intrinsically valuable in all forms of art.
Article reading:
Please read the whole article. Then, I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
A tube of lip balm is a widely available product intended to counter dry, cracked lips. Dermatological experts have explained that the product forms a protective barrier against harsh environmental conditions such as cold winds and low indoor humidity, predominantly during the winter months. A dermatologist at a respected medical institution described that the product helps seal moisture in the lips. Research has shown that ingredients including flavoring additives and lanolin may inadvertently exacerbate irritation in some individuals. The product is used in various locations, particularly in regions with cold climates, because its application is believed to support the maintenance of soft, well-hydrated lips. The examination of lip balm usage focuses on what the product does, when it is most needed, where it is commonly applied, and why its use has become widespread.
Manufacturers have developed formulations that aim to ameliorate the adverse effects of environmental factors. Recent technological advancements have led to the inclusion of refined ingredients that are designed to offer improved moisture retention. Experts have emphasized that fragrance-free, petroleum-based formulas tend to be the safest option for individuals with sensitive skin. Meticulous testing has been conducted to ensure that these formulations meet rigorous standards. In unprecedented studies, scientists have noted that natural barriers provided by lip balm are intrinsically important for skin protection. The product is available in various types, and continual research is conducted to optimize the benefits while minimizing the potential for allergic reactions. The article provides clear information on how the product functions and why its use remains relevant in modern society, thereby informing consumers about its potential benefits and challenges.
Manufacturers have developed formulations that aim to ameliorate the adverse effects of environmental factors. Recent technological advancements have led to the inclusion of refined ingredients that are designed to offer improved moisture retention. Experts have emphasized that fragrance-free, petroleum-based formulas tend to be the safest option for individuals with sensitive skin. Meticulous testing has been conducted to ensure that these formulations meet rigorous standards. In unprecedented studies, scientists have noted that natural barriers provided by lip balm are intrinsically important for skin protection. The product is available in various types, and continual research is conducted to optimize the benefits while minimizing the potential for allergic reactions. The article provides clear information on how the product functions and why its use remains relevant in modern society, thereby informing consumers about its potential benefits and challenges.
Discussion Questions:
I will read each question. Then, please answer them.
- Have you ever used lip balm or a similar product in cold weather? If yes, how did it help you? If not, what do you usually use to protect your lips?
- Have you ever paid attention to the texture or smell of a lip balm before buying it? If yes, what did you like or dislike about it? If not, what ingredient would you add to a lip balm to improve it?
- Do you agree that some ingredients in lip balm can sometimes cause irritation?
- Why do you think lip balm is used more in cold climates than in warm climates?
- What challenges might companies face when making lip balm that works well in different climates?
Please summarize the whole article using your own words and expressions. You will have one minute to prepare before you answer.
Please explain the definition of each word listed below based on your understanding. You can provide example sentences if needed.
- meticulous
- irritation
- winter
- ingredient
- environmental condition