I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me.
- cluster /KLUHS-ter/
- acre /EY-ker/
- migration /mahy-GREY-shuhn/
- sustenance /SUHS-tuh-nuhns/
- milkweed /MILK-weed/
[verb] – to gather closely together in a group
Tourists cluster near the entrance of the museum, waiting for it to open.
[noun] – a unit for measuring area, equal to 4,047 square meters or 4,840 square yards
The farmer owns 50 acres of land where he grows wheat and corn.
[noun] – the movement of people, animals, or things from one place to another
The migration of birds to warmer regions happens every autumn.
[noun] – food or other necessities needed for survival
Many animals depend on natural sources of sustenance in their habitat.
[noun] – a plant that produces milky sap and is essential for monarch butterfly reproduction
Gardeners are planting more milkweed to help support butterfly populations.
Article reading:
Please read the whole article. Then, I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
The population of monarch butterflies wintering in the mountains west of Mexico City has increased significantly, doubling the area they covered in 2024. Experts stated that this recovery happened despite threats such as climate change and habitat destruction. Instead of counting individual butterflies, the annual survey measures the area they occupy as they cluster on tree branches in pine and fir forests. Monarchs from the eastern regions of the United States and Canada migrate to Mexico for the winter. Mexico’s Commission for National Protected Areas (CONANP) reported that the butterflies covered 4.4 acres (1.79 hectares) this year, up from 2.2 acres (0.9 hectares) in 2023, which had marked a sharp 59% decline from the previous year. Improved environmental conditions, such as humidity and temperature, contributed to the population increase.
The migration of monarch butterflies spans thousands of miles, with multiple generations born along the route before reaching Canada. At the end of summer, the final generation travels back to Mexico. Conservation efforts have focused on increasing native plants essential for sustenance and reproduction. However, populations in other regions remain in decline. The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation recorded only 9,119 western monarchs in 2024, marking a 96% decrease from 233,394 the previous year. The primary threats include habitat loss, urban expansion, and the reduction of milkweed plants. Due to these risks, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed granting the species protection under the Endangered Species Act.
The migration of monarch butterflies spans thousands of miles, with multiple generations born along the route before reaching Canada. At the end of summer, the final generation travels back to Mexico. Conservation efforts have focused on increasing native plants essential for sustenance and reproduction. However, populations in other regions remain in decline. The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation recorded only 9,119 western monarchs in 2024, marking a 96% decrease from 233,394 the previous year. The primary threats include habitat loss, urban expansion, and the reduction of milkweed plants. Due to these risks, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed granting the species protection under the Endangered Species Act.
Discussion Questions:
I will read each question. Then, please answer them.
- Have you ever seen a monarch butterfly in your country? If so, where did you see it? What did it look like? If not, would you like to see one? Why or why not?
- Have you ever learned about butterfly migration before? If so, what do you remember about it? If not, what do you think makes their journey difficult?
- Do you agree that protecting monarch butterflies should be a priority?
- Why do you think some monarch butterfly populations are increasing while others are still declining?
- How do you think climate change affects the migration patterns of monarch butterflies?
Please summarize the whole article using your own words and expressions. You will have one minute to prepare before you answer.
Please explain the definition of each word listed below based on your understanding. You can provide example sentences if needed.
- increase
- humidity
- temperature
- habitat destruction
- climate change