I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me.
- prominent /PROM-uh-nuhnt/
- realm /relm/
- hinder /HIN-der/
- prolonged /pruh-LAWNGD/
- yield /yeeld/
[adjective] – important or well-known
Environmental conservation has become a prominent topic in global discussions due to climate change.
[noun] – a particular area of interest, activity, or knowledge
The realm of artificial intelligence continues to expand with new advancements.
[verb] – to slow down or obstruct progress
Lack of preparation can hinder students from performing well in their exams.
[adjective] – lasting for a long time or longer than usual
A prolonged drought severely affected crop production in the region.
[verb] – to produce or provide a result
Hard work and dedication often yield positive results in academic success.
Article reading:
Please read the whole article. Then, I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
Nutrient timing has become a prominent topic in the realm of fitness and exercise, with conflicting information often presented to the public. While some assert that exercising on an empty stomach enhances fat burning, experts argue that this belief lacks substantial evidence. According to research cited by dietitian Abby Langer, fasted workouts do not significantly influence overall performance or calorie expenditure. Consuming food too close to a workout, particularly meals rich in fat, protein, or fiber, may hinder digestion and cause discomfort. Langer emphasized that individuals should prioritize consuming carbohydrates before exercising and allow sufficient digestion time to avoid gastrointestinal issues. Furthermore, a balanced post-workout meal is essential for muscle recovery and energy replenishment.
The notion of an “anabolic window,” suggesting that consuming protein within an hour after exercise optimizes muscle growth, has also been challenged. Experts such as Krista Austin indicate that nutrient absorption occurs over a prolonged period, reducing the urgency of immediate post-exercise protein consumption. Austin recommends a consistent intake of approximately 25 to 30 grams of protein at every meal to support muscle repair and overall health. Additionally, individuals engaging in prolonged physical activity, such as marathon training, may benefit from consuming carbohydrate-rich snacks during the workout to maintain energy levels. Both Langer and Austin advise focusing on balanced dietary habits rather than fixating on nutrient timing, underscoring that sustaining a well-rounded, health-conscious diet ultimately yields the most favorable results.
The notion of an “anabolic window,” suggesting that consuming protein within an hour after exercise optimizes muscle growth, has also been challenged. Experts such as Krista Austin indicate that nutrient absorption occurs over a prolonged period, reducing the urgency of immediate post-exercise protein consumption. Austin recommends a consistent intake of approximately 25 to 30 grams of protein at every meal to support muscle repair and overall health. Additionally, individuals engaging in prolonged physical activity, such as marathon training, may benefit from consuming carbohydrate-rich snacks during the workout to maintain energy levels. Both Langer and Austin advise focusing on balanced dietary habits rather than fixating on nutrient timing, underscoring that sustaining a well-rounded, health-conscious diet ultimately yields the most favorable results.
Discussion Questions:
I will read each question. Then, please answer them.
- Have you ever tried exercising without eating beforehand? If so, how did you feel during your workout? If not, what do you usually eat before exercising?
- Have you ever felt uncomfortable after eating right before a workout? If so, what kind of food did you eat? If not, what foods do you think would cause discomfort during exercise?
- Do you agree that eating a balanced diet is more important than focusing too much on when you eat?
- Why do you think some people believe that exercising on an empty stomach helps burn more fat?
- What do you think is more challenging: eating a balanced diet every day or carefully timing your meals around workouts? Why?
Please summarize the whole article using your own words and expressions. You will have one minute to prepare before you answer.
Please explain the definition of each word listed below based on your understanding. You can provide example sentences if needed.
- expert
- evidence
- protein
- discomfort
- physical activity