Pre-reading questions:
I will read each question. Then, please answer them.
- If you were going to run a marathon or play a sport, what kinds of food would you choose to eat before and after? Why?
- If you had to design your own “perfect meal” for a workout day, what would you include? Why?
I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me.
- evidence /EV-i-duhns/
- dietitian /dahy-i-TISH-uhn/
- fiber /FAHY-ber/
- balanced /BAL-uhnst/
- absorb /ab-SAWRB/
[noun] – information or facts that show something is true
There is no strong evidence to prove that studying late at night improves memory.
[noun] – a person who is trained to give advice on healthy eating and nutrition
The dietitian advised the student to eat more vegetables and drink plenty of water.
[noun] – a substance found in plants that helps with digestion
Eating fruits and vegetables high in fiber can improve your digestion.
[adjective] – having the right amount of different elements for good health
Eating a balanced breakfast can help you stay focused during class.
[verb] – to take in a substance such as a liquid, gas, or nutrients
Your body absorbs vitamins better when they are eaten with healthy fats.
Article reading:
Please read the whole article. Then, I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
Nutrient timing has become a popular topic in fitness, but there is often confusing information about it. Some believe that exercising on an empty stomach helps burn more fat, but experts say there is no strong evidence to support this. According to dietitian Abby Langer, working out without eating does not make a big difference in performance or calories burned. However, eating too soon before exercising, especially foods high in fat, protein, or fiber, can cause stomach discomfort. Langer recommends eating carbohydrates before a workout and giving your body enough time to digest to avoid stomach problems. After exercising, eating a balanced meal is important to help muscles recover and restore energy.
The idea of an “anabolic window,” where eating protein within an hour of exercise is believed to improve muscle growth, has also been questioned. Experts like Krista Austin explain that the body absorbs nutrients over a longer period, so there is no need to rush to eat protein right after a workout. Instead, Austin suggests eating about 25 to 30 grams of protein with each meal to support muscle recovery and overall health. For those doing long activities like marathon training, eating snacks high in carbohydrates during exercise can help maintain energy. Both Langer and Austin stress that maintaining a balanced and healthy diet is more important than focusing too much on nutrient timing.
The idea of an “anabolic window,” where eating protein within an hour of exercise is believed to improve muscle growth, has also been questioned. Experts like Krista Austin explain that the body absorbs nutrients over a longer period, so there is no need to rush to eat protein right after a workout. Instead, Austin suggests eating about 25 to 30 grams of protein with each meal to support muscle recovery and overall health. For those doing long activities like marathon training, eating snacks high in carbohydrates during exercise can help maintain energy. Both Langer and Austin stress that maintaining a balanced and healthy diet is more important than focusing too much on nutrient timing.
Comprehension questions
I will read each question. Then, please answer them based on the article.
- Why do some people believe exercising on an empty stomach is helpful?
- What does Abby Langer say about exercising without eating first?
- What does Abby Langer suggest eating before a workout?
- What do both Langer and Austin say is more important than nutrient timing?
- What types of foods can cause stomach discomfort if eaten too soon before exercise?
Discussion questions
I will read each question. Then, please answer them.
- Have you ever tried exercising without eating first? If so, how did you feel during the workout? If not, what do you usually eat before you exercise?
- Have you ever had stomach discomfort after eating before exercising? If so, what kind of food did you eat? If not, what foods do you think are best to eat before a workout?
- Do you agree that eating a balanced meal is more important than focusing too much on nutrient timing?
- Why do you think some people believe that exercising on an empty stomach helps burn more fat?
- What do you think is more challenging: eating a balanced diet every day or carefully timing your meals around workouts? Why?