- raft /raft/
- vertebrate /VUR-tuh-brit/
- drift /drift/
- statistical /stuh-TIS-ti-kuhl/
- dehydration /dee-hahy-DREY-shuhn/
[noun] – a flat structure made of materials such as wood or other floating substances, used for traveling across water or carrying loads
Fishermen built wooden rafts to cross the river during the flood.
[noun] – an animal that has a backbone or spinal column
Scientists examined the bones of a prehistoric vertebrate to understand its evolution.
[verb] – to move slowly, especially as a result of outside forces, with no control over direction
The boat drifted away from the dock due to the strong current.
[adjective] – relating to the use of statistics, which involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data
The professor presented a statistical analysis of student performance in the math exam.
[noun] – a condition in which the body loses more fluids than it takes in, causing dryness and potential health risks
Athletes are advised to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration during intense workouts.
Article reading:
To support this theory, researchers used a statistical model that combined genetic data, current iguana distribution patterns, and environmental factors. The results indicated that the most plausible explanation was that iguanas floated to Fiji from North America. Desert iguanas are believed to have survived the lengthy voyage due to their ability to resist dehydration and consume plant material found on the vegetation rafts. Understanding the origins of Fijian iguanas is crucial, as several native species face endangerment, while invasive green iguanas threaten local ecosystems. Identifying the evolutionary history of these reptiles may assist conservation efforts in protecting Fiji’s native iguana population. The study’s findings appeared in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, providing valuable insights into the evolutionary journey of Fijian iguanas and their remarkable ocean crossing.
Discussion Questions:
- Have you ever seen an animal in an unusual place, like a bird or insect far from its natural home? If so, where was it, and what do you think brought it there? If not, what animal do you think would surprise you most if you saw it in an unexpected location?
- Have you ever seen a documentary or video about animals surviving in difficult environments? If so, what was the most surprising thing you learned? If not, what kind of animal survival story would you be interested in watching?
- Do you agree that iguanas floating on vegetation rafts is the most believable explanation for how they reached Fiji?
- What challenges do you think iguanas faced while traveling across the ocean on floating vegetation?
- How do you think studying animal movement over long distances can help scientists today?
- species
- migrate
- geological
- theory
- genetic data