- feedlot /FEED-lot/
- conclusion /kuhn-KLOO-zhuhn/
- deforestation /dee-fawr-uh-STEY-shuhn/
- slaughter /SLAW-ter/
- pasture /PAS-cher/
[noun] – a confined area where animals are fed intensively with special feed to gain weight quickly before slaughter
Pigs in a feedlot are kept in pens and given special feed to gain weight faster.
[noun] – a judgment or decision reached after consideration
After months of research, scientists reached the conclusion that solar power was the most efficient energy source for the region.
[noun] – the action of clearing a wide area of trees
Rising levels of deforestation in Southeast Asia have raised concerns about wildlife preservation.
[noun] – the killing of animals for food
Strict hygiene protocols are required in facilities that handle the slaughter of poultry.
[noun] – land covered with grass and plants where animals graze freely
Cows in a pasture graze freely, eating grass as their main food source.
Article reading:
The study’s results indicate that grass-fed cattle require more time and resources to reach slaughter weight, making the production process less efficient. Grass-fed cattle grow more slowly and remain smaller than their industrial counterparts, meaning more animals are needed to produce the same volume of meat. Researchers employed numerical modeling to analyze emission levels across the beef production process, considering methane output, carbon dioxide emissions, and overall meat yield. Although some scientists have suggested that grass-fed cattle may enhance carbon sequestration in pastures, the study found that this benefit does not offset the increased emissions. Experts continue to debate the trade-offs between reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable agricultural practices that prioritize biodiversity, soil health, and water quality.
Discussion Questions:
- Have you ever visited a farm or a place where animals are raised for food? If so, what did you notice about how the animals were cared for? If not, what do you think it would be like to visit one?
- Have you ever tried grass-fed beef or other meat labeled as “organic” or “natural”? If so, did you notice any differences in taste or quality? If not, would you be interested in trying it? Why or why not?
- Do you agree that grass-fed beef is not better for the environment than industrial beef?
- What are some ways farmers could reduce carbon emissions while still raising cattle?
- What are some alternative food options that could reduce environmental harm while still meeting people’s dietary needs?
- industrial
- agricultural
- grass-fed
- animal welfare
- carbon emission