I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me.
- overlook /oh-ver-LOOK/
- pique someone’s curiosity, interest, etc. /peek SUHM-wuhns IN-ter-ist/
- improbable /im-PROB-uh-buhl/
- sustained /suh-STEYND/
- stay in your lane /stey in yoor leyn/
[verb] – to fail to notice or consider something or someone
It’s easy to overlook a minor detail such as this.
[idiom] – to make someone interested in something and want to know more about it
The noise from outside continues to pique her interest.
[adjective] – not likely to happen or be true
It’s improbable for the current situation to continue.
[adjective] – continuing for a long time
Reducing waste will take time and sustained effort.
[idiom] – to stick with what you know and are good at
Don’t stay in your lane all the time. You need to grow and learn.
Article reading
Please read the whole article. Then, I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
Deep within us lies an overlooked quality that fosters learning, creativity, and even job satisfaction. Curious? Find out what it is now.
Curiosity’s simple dictionary definition of “the desire to know something” is powerful in and of itself. When we are interested in a subject, the information we are learning becomes more deeply imprinted and is easier to access when it is later necessary. A 2014 study showed that participants were much more likely to recall the faces presented to them if they went along with a trivia question that piqued their interest. When we’re trying to learn something new and difficult, this additional and unexpected memory boost could be quite helpful. After all, it is improbable to find every aspect of our study to be engaging. But if we can develop a little curiosity about at least part of the information, we could discover that the rest of it also sticks much better. Our patience might be strengthened through curiosity as well. Abigail Hsiung, a Ph.D. candidate at Duke University in North Carolina, conducted a recent, unpublished study that showed how participants were more willing to wait to learn the answer to a riddle when they were curious. Lengthier study and deeper understanding are likely to result from greater patience and sustained participation in education, especially for challenging topics. This may explain why curiosity is such a powerful predictor of academic success.
Interested in learning more about the advantages of curiosity? As physicist Richard Feynman said, “Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough.” Don’t stay in your lane, and learn more!
Curiosity’s simple dictionary definition of “the desire to know something” is powerful in and of itself. When we are interested in a subject, the information we are learning becomes more deeply imprinted and is easier to access when it is later necessary. A 2014 study showed that participants were much more likely to recall the faces presented to them if they went along with a trivia question that piqued their interest. When we’re trying to learn something new and difficult, this additional and unexpected memory boost could be quite helpful. After all, it is improbable to find every aspect of our study to be engaging. But if we can develop a little curiosity about at least part of the information, we could discover that the rest of it also sticks much better. Our patience might be strengthened through curiosity as well. Abigail Hsiung, a Ph.D. candidate at Duke University in North Carolina, conducted a recent, unpublished study that showed how participants were more willing to wait to learn the answer to a riddle when they were curious. Lengthier study and deeper understanding are likely to result from greater patience and sustained participation in education, especially for challenging topics. This may explain why curiosity is such a powerful predictor of academic success.
Interested in learning more about the advantages of curiosity? As physicist Richard Feynman said, “Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough.” Don’t stay in your lane, and learn more!
Discussion Questions
I will read each question. Then, please answer them.
- What makes you eager to learn more about something?
- How has your sense of curiosity changed as you have gotten older? Why so?
- If you were to become a child again, what would you learn more about and why?
- Do you think students will become interested in a subject they initially dislike if it sparks their curiosity?
- Can curiosity be learned? Please share your thoughts about it.
Please summarize the whole article using your own words and expressions. You will have one minute to prepare before you answer.
Please explain the definition of each word listed below based on your understanding. You can provide example sentences if needed.
- quality
- desire
- imprint
- engaging
- riddle