The surprising friendship of former president George W. Bush and former first lady Michelle Obama

There are two main political parties in the United States; the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Ever since then, there’s a conflict between the two parties because of their respective beliefs. We can read some tweets on Twitter like “#BigLeagueTruth: Not all Republicans are #racist, but all racists VOTE #Republican.” and “Anyone who expects #Republicans to do what is best for the country hasn’t been paying very close attention for a while now.” Opinions like those are really not new issues for many people, but who would have thought that there will come a time when two powerful people who come from different parties will be friends?

At the opening ceremony for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, many people are surprised when they saw the photo of the previous First Lady Michelle Obama giving a warm hug to former President George W. Bush. It signifies that they already built a strong friendship despite the fact that they come from different political parties. In an interview with People Magazine, Bush said “When I saw her, it was a genuine expression of affection”. Mr. Bush in another interview said “She kind of likes my sense of humor. Anybody who likes my sense of humor, I immediately like.” Can this be the start for the Democrats and for the Republicans to fix whatever the rivalry they have? Well let’s see what will happen next.
political party – an organization of people who share the same views about the way power should be used in a country or society
conflict – a serious disagreement and argument about something important
belief – is a feeling of certainty that something exists, is true, or is good
signify – be an indication of
rivalry – competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field
True or False:

  1. The two political parties in the United States are Democratic Party and Democrats Party.
  2. Mrs. Obama and Mr. Bush are not really acquaintance.
  3. Mr. Bush doesn’t appreciate the sense of humor of Mr. Obama.
  4. The sweet hug of Michelle Obama to George Bush is an indication of their companionship.
  5. There are many people who use Twitter to express their support for their political party.

Express your opinion:

  1. If you are a Democrat and someone from Republican asked you to take a picture with while you two are hugging each other, would you accept it? Why or why not?
  2. There is nothing wrong if you are friends with the a person who has a different belief when it comes to politics.
  3. Someday, there will be no conflict between the two political parties in United States.

Defend your argument:

  1. “#BigLeagueTruth: Not all Republicans are #racist, but all racists VOTE #Republican.”
    – @lilsister7
  2. That’s what’s so weird about society today, (the surprise) that people on opposite sides of the political spectrum can actually like each other.” – George W. Bush
  3. This picture is so strange and so wonderful (picture of Michelle Obama hugging George W. Bush). It’s like when you see one of those photos of a bunny and a kitten cuddling and you’re like “Aww so cute… wait what?” – R. Eric Thomas