Mukesh Ambani’s youngest son recently married his longtime girlfriend in a grand ceremony at Mumbai’s Jio World Convention Centre, owned by the Ambani family. The event began on a Friday evening and continued into the early hours of the next day. It included a traditional blessing ceremony where guests could congratulate the newly married couple. Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended a reception on Saturday evening, highlighting the event’s importance socially and politically. The guest list featured global leaders like former British Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Boris Johnson, along with U.S. climate envoy John Kerry. Celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, John Cena, Amitabh Bachchan, and Shah Rukh Khan added to the glamour. The entertainment included performances by Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, and Pitbull, making the celebration even more spectacular.

The Ambani family’s luxurious lifestyle is shown not just through their lavish events, but also through their iconic 27-story family home in Mumbai, a symbol of their wealth and status. Anant Ambani, the groom, oversees the expansion of the family’s business into renewable energy, while the bride, Radhika Merchant, works as the marketing director for her father’s company, Encore Healthcare. Their wedding was a significant social occasion that blended tradition with modernity, reflecting the Ambani family’s influence in contemporary India.