Avengers:Infinity War is a big success. Wait for these movies to know what will happen next.

Captain Marvel (March 2019)
The last clip in Infinity War hinted Captain Marvel’s arrival. This will be her origin story set in the 1990’s.

Avengers 4 (May 2019)
Thanos beat the superheroes in Infinity War, but the war is not yet done. It will continue in the fourth Avengers movie in 2019.

Spiderman: Homecoming 2 (July 2019)
We are not sure what will happen here because of Spiderman’s death in Infinity War. Avengers 4 will affect Homecoming 2‘s story.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (May 2020)
Key members of the Guardians of the Galaxy also died in Infinity War. Events in Avengers 4 will have an effect on this movie.