Pre-reading questions:
I will read each question. Then, please answer them.
- Have you ever seen dinosaur footprints in a museum or in a book?
- Do you think dinosaurs lived in different places, like forests or deserts?
I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me.
- dinosaur /DAHY-nuh-sawr/
- track /trak/
- suggest /suhg-JEST/
- unusual /uhn-YOO-zhoo-uhl/
- ancient /EYN-shuhnt/
[noun] – a type of large reptile that lived millions of years ago
The museum displayed a skeleton of a dinosaur.
[noun] – mark or impression left by something that moves, often feet or wheels
The hiker followed the animal tracks in the snow.
[verb] – to propose an idea or hint at something indirectly
The data suggests a need for further investigation.
[adjective] – not typical, strange, or out of the ordinary
The weather has been unusual this week.
[adjective] – very old, from a long time ago
The ancient ruins were a popular tourist attraction.
Article reading:
Please read the whole article. Then, I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
Researchers have discovered around 200 dinosaur footprints from the Middle Jurassic period at Dewars Farm Quarry in Oxfordshire, southern England. These footprints, which are 166 million years old, provide new insights into the behavior and movement of dinosaurs such as Megalosaurus and Cetiosaurus. The universities of Oxford and Birmingham reported finding five main trackways, with one stretching over 150 meters. Four of the tracks belong to sauropods, large herbivores up to 18 meters long, likely Cetiosaurus. The fifth track belongs to Megalosaurus, a nine-meter-long carnivorous dinosaur with distinctive three-toed footprints. This discovery suggests that herbivores and carnivores may have interacted, as their tracks overlap in one area. Megalosaurus, the first dinosaur scientifically named in 1824, continues to be a significant focus for paleontologists. The excavation began when quarry worker Gary Johnson noticed unusual patterns on the quarry floor. Over 100 researchers worked together to identify the tracks. Emma Nicholls, a vertebrate paleontologist at Oxford University, said this discovery shows how even well-known species like Megalosaurus can offer new insights into ancient ecosystems and paleontology.
True or False:
Read the sentences and identify if they are true or false based on the article.
- The tracks discovered are 166 million years old.
- Five main trackways were found at Dewars Farm Quarry.
- Sauropods are large carnivores that lived in the Middle Jurassic period.
- Over 50 researchers worked on the excavation of the tracks.
- The dinosaur footprints found in Oxfordshire are from the Early Jurassic period.
Fill in the blanks:
Choose the correct word from the table, then fill in the blanks.
dinosaurs | tracks | suggests | unusual | ancient |
- The survey __________ that people prefer online shopping over in-store shopping.
- __________ roamed the Earth long before humans existed.
- The design of the building is quite __________ compared to others in the area.
- The book contained __________ myths from different cultures.
- The dog left muddy __________ on the kitchen floor.