In July 2023, a doorbell camera in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, captured rare footage and audio of a meteorite hitting Earth. Laura Kelly and her partner noticed unusual dust and debris on their walkway after a walk. Later, the Meteoritical Society released the video, which showed the meteorite striking near their entrance. The video captured a smoke cloud and a crackling sound, making it unique. While meteors are often seen on video, recording both sound and visuals of a meteorite impact is extremely rare. The meteorite was named “Charlottetown” and classified as an interstellar object. The couple reported the discovery to the University of Alberta’s Meteorite Reporting System. Chris Herd, a curator, confirmed the fragments were from space. Meteorites, space debris that survives the journey through Earth’s atmosphere, are rarely found in urban areas. Although NASA estimates 48 tons of space debris enter Earth daily, most of it lands in the ocean. This discovery is important for studying meteorites, highlighting how rare impacts in populated areas are and how tools like doorbell cameras can help document such events.