Lab grown stem cells are developed

Pre-reading questions:

  1. What do Japanese scientists developed?
  2. What happened to the embryos that didn’t grew normally?

Japanese scientists have developed and fertilized mouse eggs in their laboratory. This is the first report of developing fully matured eggs in a laboratory setting. They said that this may help treat infertility but it will take a long time and will be difficult. This is a great success but will cause problems in the human reproduction. The results show that only a few embryos grew into normal mice and others have abnormalities. It is still not safe to be used on humans. A further study is needed to the mouse embryos that didn’t develop normally.
developed – 発達させた more advanced
result – 結果 to happen because of something else
further – その上の in addition to what has been said
treat – 扱う to deal with or to think about something
problems – 問題 difficult to deal
True or False:

  1. Chinese scientists have developed and fertilized mouse eggs.
  2. It may not help treat infertility.
  3. This is a great success but will cause problems in the human reproduction.
  4. It is safe to be used in humans.
  5. The results show that all embryos grew into normal mice.