Amazon Limits Customer Reviews

Pre-reading questions:

  1. Do you know
  2. What are the things you think that are better bought online?
  3. What are the things you think that are still better shopped in a normal way?

Online store Amazon has set a maximum limit on the number of reviews each customer may leave on the site. The new regulation only permits five ratings per week of items not purchased through the site. This step aims to get rid of bogus reviews circulating in the online marketplace as to regain the customers’ trust.

Furthermore, Amazon has begun suing sellers for buying false reviews as to consequentially clamp down people selling positive ratings. The online marketplace will also impose bounds on reviews of products that are bought through the site if it has an unusual number of reviews over a brief period of time.
maximum – [noun] the highest number or amount that is possible
bogus – [adjective] not genuine or real
sue – [verb] to seek justice by legal process
clamp down – [verb] supress or prevent something
bounds – [noun] a limiting line
Comprehension Questions:

  1. What is Amazon?
  2. Why is Amazon limiting the number of reviews on their website?
  3. Who are the people that Amazon is suing, and why?
  4. What will the online marketplace will do?
  5. How many ratings are permitted per week?

Express Your Opinion:

  1. There are online sellers that buy false reviews.
  2. is the biggest online retailer in the world.
  3. If someone would offer you good products or money just to give positive review for an item that you haven’t tried yet, would you agree? Why or why not?
  4. What are the items that you think can be best-sellers online?