Children’s love in a truck

Pre-reading questions:

  1. How can a child express his love for his/her parents?
  2. Have you ever cheered for your parents before they go to work?
  3. Can a drawing cheer anyone up? Why?

A decorated truck has been launched by a transportation company in Takatsuki, Osaka Prefecture. The project is to provide emotional support for drivers and to avoid misfortune while on the road. At first, the management has thought upgrading driving equipment would be inadequate to avoid accidents. Now, they have found out that it’s important for drivers and the people they love to find peace while drivers are at work.

This project is supported by 15 transportation companies with fifty-six trucks with such decorations and are now used across the country. Based from the Miyata traffic report, there were no reported accidents with those decorated trucks so far. The pictures in the truck relax the drivers next to their trucks. Pictures motivate drivers to finish work safely for their family and for people to know the safety operations while on the road.
misfortune – bad luck
motivate – to give someone a reason for doing something
upgrade – to make something better
inadequate – not enough or not good enough
emotional support – the reassurance, encouragement and understanding someone gives or receives to a person
Comprehension Questions:

  1. What is the article all about?
  2. How did this project make an impact to truck drivers?
  3. How many transportation companies supported the project?
  4. Where is the transportation company located?

Express Your Opinion:

  1. A child’s innocent message of cheering his dad up has motivated the child’s father to work harder and be safe always.
  2. Since the project has commenced, there are no reported accidents.
  3. Imagine that you have received your child’s drawing and message in a paper before going to work. Share what you will feel after reading the letter.