Author Archive: admin

Kite making in Gujarat benefits the economy but causes problems


©REUTERS/Amit Dave/File Photo Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Do you celebrate festivals? Have you heard of sustainability? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 handcraft /HAND-KRAFT/ [verb] – to make something by hand, usually with skill I like to handcraft my own greeting cards for special occasions. serious /SEER-ee-uhs/ [adjective] – severe in effect; bad The storm caused serious damage to the town’s infrastructure. available /uh-VEY-luh-buhl/ [adjective] – able to be obtained or accessed The books you requested are available at the library. sharp /shahrp/ [adjective] – having a fine edge or point; capable of…
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Kite making in Gujarat benefits the economy but causes problems


©REUTERS/Amit Dave/File Photo Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. duration /doo-REY-shuhn/ [noun] – the length of time something lasts The duration of the meeting was longer than expected. widespread /WAHYD-SPRED/ [adjective] – existing or happening in many places and/or among many people The widespread use of smartphones has changed communication. numerous /NOO-mer-uhs/ [adjective] – many She received numerous gifts for her birthday. electrocution /ih-lek-truh-KYOO-shuhn/ [noun] – the act of being killed or severely injured by electric shock He was warned about the risks of electrocution when working with electrical equipment. sustainability /suh-stey-nuh-BIL-i-tee/ [noun] – the ability to maintain or continue something over…
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Kite making in Gujarat benefits the economy but causes problems


©REUTERS/Amit Dave/File Photo Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. What does sustainability mean to you? What is your favorite festival, and what do you do during this festival? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. tradition /truh-DISH-uhn/ [noun] – a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has been passed down through generations Lighting candles during the holidays is a cherished tradition. string /string/ [noun] – (a piece of) strong, thin rope made by twisting very thin threads together, used for fastening and tying things She tied the package with a piece of string. boost /boost/ [verb]…
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Two critically endangered North Atlantic right whales entangled in fishing gear off Massachusetts coast

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Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. What happens to animals that are endangered? What might happen if an endangered species disappears? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. endangered /en-DEYN-jerd/ [adjective] – at risk of becoming extinct Some animals are endangered because their habitats are disappearing. collision /kuh-LIZH-uhn/ [noun] – an event where two things crash into each other There was a collision between two cars on the highway. reproduction /ree-pruh-DUHK-shuhn/ [noun] – the process by which animals or plants produce offspring The reproduction of many animals happens in the spring. challenge /CHAL-inj/ [noun] – a difficult task…
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Two critically endangered North Atlantic right whales entangled in fishing gear off Massachusetts coast

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Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Are animals that are endangered at risk of disappearing? Can the disappearance of an endangered species cause problems? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 individual /in-duh-VIJ-oo-uhl/ [noun] – a single person or thing, considered separately from others Each individual whale has unique markings. trapped /trapt/ [adjective] – unable to move or escape The trapped bird couldn’t escape from the net. survey /sur-VEY/ [noun] – an investigation or examination conducted to gather information The team completed a survey to measure the health of the forest. serious /SEER-ee-uhs/ [adjective] – very…
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Two critically endangered North Atlantic right whales entangled in fishing gear off Massachusetts coast

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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. critically /KRIT-ik-lee/ [adverb] – in a way that is extremely important or serious, especially in terms of survival or condition The patient was critically ill and needed immediate attention. sighting /SAI-tuhng/ [noun] – the action of seeing something, especially something unusual or rare The sighting of the rare bird excited everyone at the park. aerial /AIR-ee-uhl/ [adjective] – related to the air or atmosphere, or done from the air The aerial view of the city was breathtaking. entanglement /en-TANG-guhl-muhnt/ [noun] – the state of being caught or twisted in something The fisherman struggled with the entanglement…
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Germany and France launch high-speed train service to strengthen EU ties and promote eco-friendly travel

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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. eco-friendly /ee-koh-FREND-lee/ [adjective] – designed to have little or no damaging effect on the environment Using bicycles instead of cars is an eco-friendly way to travel short distances. symbolize /SIM-buh-lahyz/ [verb] – to represent something The national flag symbolizes unity and pride for the country’s people. punctuality /puhngk-choo-AL-i-tee/ [noun] – the quality of being on time Employers value punctuality because it shows responsibility and respect for others’ time. modernization /mod-er-nahy-ZEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the process of making something more current or suitable for the present The modernization of the library included adding computers and digital resources. complement…
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