Scientists discover hidden life beneath the Pacific Ocean
Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. tectonic plate /tek-TON-ik pleyt/ [noun phrase] – one of the parts of the earth’s surface that move in relation to each other Scientists study tectonic plates to understand the causes of earthquakes. tubeworm /TOOB-wurm/ [noun] – a marine invertebrate that lives in a protective tube, often found in environments such as hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor Tubeworms thrive in the extreme conditions near hydrothermal vents, relying on symbiotic bacteria for nourishment. invertebrate /in-VUR-tuh-breyt/ [noun] – an animal with no spine Jellyfish and octopuses are examples of invertebrates that inhabit various ocean environments. cavity /KAV-i-tee/ [noun]…
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