Tag Archive: Culture & Travel – Expert
Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. vastly /VAST-lee/ [adverb] – very much The city has vastly improved its public transportation system over the last decade. curtail /ker-TEYL/ [verb] – to reduce in extent or quantity; to impose a restriction on The company had to curtail its spending due to budget cuts. skeptical /SKEP-ti-kuhl/ [adjective] – not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations Many people are skeptical of claims made without scientific evidence. proliferation /pruh-lif-uh-REY-shuhn/ [noun] – the fact of something increasing a lot and suddenly in number or amount The proliferation of online courses has changed the way people learn. hospitality /hos-pi-TAL-i-tee/…
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©REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. inauguration /in-aw-gyuh-REY-shuhn/ [noun] – a formal ceremony or event marking the official opening of a significant establishment or institution The inauguration of the new library attracted many community members eager to explore the resources available. antiquity /an-TIK-wi-tee/ [noun] – an object that was created a very long time ago The museum features a collection of antiquities that offer insight into the daily lives of ancient civilizations. repatriate /ree-PEY-tree-eyt/ [verb] – to return someone or something to their own country After years abroad, the artist decided to repatriate her artwork to her hometown….
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. continual /kuhn-TIN-yoo-uhl/ [adjective] – happening often; repeating The continual noise from the construction site made it difficult to concentrate. rudder /RUHD-er/ [noun] – a flat piece of wood or metal at the back of a boat or aircraft, moved from side to side in order to control the direction of travel The captain adjusted the rudder to change the direction of the ship. inaugural /in-AW-gyer-uhl/ [adjective] – marking the beginning of something, especially a formal event or series The inaugural flight of the airline’s new route was fully booked. amenity /uh-MEN-i-tee/ [noun] – desirable or useful…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. viticulture /VIT-i-kuhl-cher/ [noun] – the growing of grapes, or the science or study of this The study of viticulture includes understanding soil types, climate, and grape varieties. devastate /DEV-uh-steyt/ [verb] – to destroy a place or thing completely or cause great damage The hurricane devastated the coastal town, leaving many residents without homes. trigger /TRIG-er/ [verb] – to cause something to start The unexpected announcement triggered a wave of excitement among the fans. affluent /AF-loo-uhnt/ [adjective] – having a lot of money or owning a lot of things The affluent neighborhood is known for its luxury…
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©REUTERS/Caitlin Ochs Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. demolition /dem-uh-LISH-uhn/ [noun] – the act of destroying something such as a building The old factory is scheduled for demolition next month. sanctuary /SANGK-choo-er-ee/ [noun] – a place of refuge or safety; a peaceful and safe place The wildlife sanctuary provides a safe haven for endangered species. resistance /ri-ZIS-tuhns/ [noun] – the act of fighting against something that is attacking you, or refusing to accept something The community’s resistance to the new development plan was strong. diminish /dih-MIN-ish/ [verb] – to reduce or be reduced in size or importance Environmentalists fear that the new…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. impose /im-POHZ/ [verb] – to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received The government decided to impose a new tax on luxury goods to increase revenue. overwhelm /oh-ver-WELM/ [adjective] – to be too much to deal with The students were overwhelmed by the amount of homework they received before the holidays. influx /IN-fluhks/ [noun] – a large arrival or entry of people or things The city experienced an influx of new residents after the tech company opened its headquarters there. clarify /KLAR-uh-fahy/ [verb] – to make something clear or easier to…
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©AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. mythological /mith-uh-LOJ-i-kuhl/ [adjective] – relating to or based on myths or mythology The ancient temple featured mythological creatures carved into the walls, representing gods and heroes. urban development /UR-buhn dih-VEL-uhp-muhnt/ [noun] – the growth and expansion of cities, including buildings, roads, and other infrastructure Urban development in the city led to new parks and better transportation systems. aristocrat /uh-RIS-tuh-krat/ [noun] – a member of the highest social class, usually with inherited wealth or status The aristocrat donated a large sum of money to support the local art museum. restoration /res-tuh-REY-shuhn/ [noun] – the…
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©REUTERS/Eva Manez Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. chaotic /key-OT-ik/ [adjective] – very disorganized and noisy, with lots of activity happening all at once The market was chaotic during the holiday sales. retrieve /ri-TREEV/ [verb] – to get or bring something back from a place The dog ran to retrieve the ball from the yard. residue /REZ-i-doo/ [noun] – the remains of something after it has been removed or used There was a sticky residue left on the counter after the syrup spilled. spontaneous /spon-TEY-nee-uhs/ [adjective] – happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being…
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©REUTERS Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. vibrant /VAHY-bruhnt/ [adjective] – full of energy, life, or color; bright and lively The city’s vibrant nightlife attracts tourists from all over the world. amphibious /am-FIB-ee-uhs/ [adjective] – capable of functioning both on land and in water The military used amphibious vehicles to transport troops across the river. navigate /NAV-i-geyt/ [verb] – to direct the way that a vehicle, esp. a ship or aircraft will travel, or to find a direction across, along, or over an area of water or land The captain skillfully navigated the ship through the narrow channel. cumbersome /KUHM-ber-suhm/ [adjective] –…
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©REUTERS/Amel Emric Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. visionary /VIZH-uh-ner-ee/ [adjective] – having or showing clear ideas about what should happen or be done in the future The company’s visionary leader introduced innovative products that revolutionized the industry. concrete /KON-kreet/ [adjective] – clear and certain, or real and existing in a form that can be seen or felt The architect presented a concrete plan for the new building, detailing every aspect of the design. meadow /MED-oh/ [noun] – a field with grass and often wild flowers in it The deer grazed peacefully in the open meadow, surrounded by wildflowers. serendipitous /ser-uhn-DIP-i-tuhs/ [adjective]…
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