Tag Archive: japan news – expert

Yamanashi governor proposes light rail system for Mount Fuji


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. amid /uh-MID/ [preposition] – in the middle of or surrounded by The negotiations took place amid the bustling atmosphere of the city’s financial district. detrimental /de-truh-MEN-tl/ [adjective] – causing harm or damage The excessive use of pesticides can be detrimental to the health of both humans and the environment. influx /IN-fluhks/ [noun] – the fact of a large number of people or things arriving at the same time The opening of the new shopping mall led to a significant influx of shoppers into the area. strive /strahyv/ [verb] – to try very hard to do something…
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Bolder brown bears roam freely in Sapporo’s urban areas


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. residence /REZ-i-duhns/ [noun] – a place where someone lives or resides After years of traveling, she finally found a peaceful residence in a quaint cottage by the lake. attribute /uh-TRIB-yoot/ [verb] – to assign or credit a certain quality or characteristic to a particular cause or source Her success in the competition was attributed to her rigorous training regimen and unwavering determination. prompt /prompt/ [verb] – to cause or stimulate a particular action or response Her impassioned speech on climate change prompted many in the audience to join environmental initiatives. scenario /si-NAIR-ee-oh/ [noun] – a specific…
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Japanese sushi chain adopts digital conveyor belts amid ‘sushi terrorism’ concerns

japanese sushi

©FOOD and LIFE COMPANIES Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. prompt /prompt/ [verb] – to make something happen The protest prompted the government to reconsider the new policy. representation /rep-ri-zen-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] – a sign, picture, model, etc. of something In the art gallery, you can find a stunning representation of the city’s skyline. reckless /REK-lis/ [adjective] – doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks and the possible results His reckless driving through the busy city streets resulted in a serious accident. reportedly /ri-PAWR-tid-lee/ [adverb] – according to what many people say Reportedly, the movie star is set to appear at…
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Mechanical ‘Monster Wolves’ roar to guard crops


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. cunning /KUHN-ing/ [adjective] – having or showing skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion The cunning fox outsmarted the farmer by sneaking into the henhouse at night. sneak /sneek/ [verb] – to move quietly and secretly in order to avoid being noticed The cat tried to sneak up on the birds in the garden but was unsuccessful. emit /ih-MIT/ [verb] – to send out a beam, noise, smell, or gas The factory emits a lot of smoke, which is harmful to the environment. feast on /feest on/ [phrasal verb] – to eat a large…
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Japan pushes for Tottori Sand Dunes conservation


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. renowned /ri-NOUND/ [adjective] – famous for something The renowned musician performed to a sold-out crowd, showcasing their extraordinary talent and artistry. formation /fawr-MEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the way something is naturally made or the way it has been arranged The formation of ice crystals on the window indicated that the temperature outside had dropped below freezing. longevity /lon-JEV-i-tee/ [noun] – the ability to last for a long time The longevity of a product is an important consideration for consumers when making purchasing decisions. fragile /FRAJ-uhl/ [adjective] – A fragile object is easily damaged or broken The fragile…
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World’s most expensive ice cream is from Japan


©Cellato Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. exclusively /ik-SKLOO-siv-lee/ [adverb] – only This restaurant exclusively serves vegetarian cuisine. edible /ED-uh-buhl / [adjective] – suitable or safe for eating Some plants have edible leaves that can be used in salads or cooking. extravagant /ik-STRAV-uh-guhnt/ [adjective] – spending too much money, or using too much of something The extravagant fireworks display lit up the night sky, leaving everyone in awe of its grandeur. renowned /ri-NOUND/ [adjective] – famous for something The renowned author’s latest book quickly became a bestseller, captivating readers with its compelling story. texture /TEKS-cher / [noun] – the quality of something…
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Canine hero recognized for saving man’s life in Japan


©Chiba Riding Park Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. courageous /kuh-REY-juhs/ [adjective] – having or showing courage The firefighter’s courageous act of running into the burning building saved several lives. official /uh-FISH-uhl/ [adjective] – If a piece of information is official, it has been announced publicly with authority The official government document outlined the guidelines for obtaining a driver’s license. prompt /prompt/ [verb] – to make someone decide to say or do something The reminder on her phone prompted Jane to take her medication at the designated time. intervention /in-ter-VEN-shuhn/ [noun] – the action of becoming intentionally involved in a difficult situation,…
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Nagoya transforms from dull to dynamic


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. perception /per-SEP-shuhn/ [noun] – a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how things seem The media’s portrayal of the politician created a negative perception of him in the public’s mind, leading to a decline in his popularity and trustworthiness. blend /blend/ [noun] – a mixture of different things or styles The interior designer selected a blend of textures and materials, combining smooth surfaces with rustic elements to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. outlet /OUT-let/ [noun] – a shop that is one of many owned by a particular company and that…
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Japanese company’s private moon landing likely ended in crash


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. accomplish /uh-KOM-plish/ [verb] – to finish something successfully or to achieve something Tom’s determination and hard work helped him accomplish his dream of becoming a doctor. significance /sig-NIF-i-kuhns/ [noun] – importance: The historian’s research uncovered the significance of a previously unknown figure in the country’s history. execute /EK-si-kyoot/ [verb] – to do or perform something, especially in a planned way: The dance troupe was able to execute the complex choreography flawlessly, earning a standing ovation. sustain /suh-STEYN/ [verb] – to cause or allow something to continue for a period of time: The athlete was able to…
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Even though Hachiko was born 100 years ago, he still makes people happy


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. bronze /bronz/ [noun] – any of various alloys consisting essentially of copper and tin, the tin content not exceeding 11 percent. He laid flowers at the feet of the six-meter-tall bronze statue of Deng that stands in Shenzhen’s Lianhuashan Park. commemorate /kuh-MEM-uh-reyt/ [verb] – to serve as a memorial or reminder of National Park Week first started in 1991 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the NPS. narrative /NAR-uh-tiv/ [noun] – a story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious. Mary’s narrative was an inspiring tale of determination and perseverance; she…
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