Tag Archive: science & technology – expert

Astronauts remain stranded in space due to technical difficulties

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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. technical difficulty /TEK-ni-kuhl DIF-i-kuhl-tee/ [noun phrase] – a problem or issue that makes something difficult to do or operate The car had a technical difficulty, so it stopped working on the road. unforeseen /uhn-for-SEEN/ [adjective] – not expected or anticipated The rain was an unforeseen event during the outdoor party. propulsion /pruh-PUHL-shuhn/ [noun ] – the action of driving or pushing something forward The boat’s propulsion comes from its powerful engine. malfunction /mal-FUHNGK-shuhn/ [verb] – to fail to work properly The machine may malfunction if not used correctly. scrutiny /SKROOT-n-ee/ [noun] – close and careful examination…
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Wildfire threatens one of California’s endangered species


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. habitat /HAB-i-tat/ [noun] – the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives Forests and wetlands are vital habitats for many species of birds. pose /pohz/ [verb] – to cause something, especially a problem or difficulty The new law poses a challenge for small businesses. official /uh-FISH-uhl/ [noun] – a person who has a position of responsibility in an organization, especially a government organization Local officials are working hard to improve public transportation. migration /mahy-GREY-shuhn/ [noun] – the process of animals moving from one place to another at different times of the year The…
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New giant planet discovered by NASA


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. speculate /SPEK-yuh-leyt/ [verb] – to guess possible answers to a question when you do not have enough information to be certain. Many people speculated about the cause of the strange noise. astronomy /uh-STRON-uh-mee/ [noun] – the scientific study of the universe and the objects that exist naturally in space, such as the moon, the sun, planets, and stars He developed an interest in astronomy after watching a documentary about stars. proximity /prok-SIM-i-tee/ [noun] – the state of being near in space or time The proximity of the school to his house made it easy for him…
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Multiple events to celebrate the 55th anniversary of Apollo 11 lunar landing


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. coincide /koh-in-SAHYD/ [verb] – to happen at or near the same time Our vacation coincided with the festival, making our trip even more exciting. host /hohst/ [verb] – to organize and provide the space and other things necessary for a special event She hosted a wonderful dinner party for all her friends last weekend. notable /NOH-tuh-buhl/ [adjective] – important and deserving attention because of being very good or interesting The scientist made a notable discovery that could change the future of medicine. dedicated /DED-i-key-tid/ [adjective] – believing that something is very important and giving a lot…
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Portugal targets 93% renewable electricity by 2030 amidst revised green hydrogen goals


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. socialist /SOH-shuh-list/ [adjective] – relating to or advocating socialism, a political and economic theory that advocates for collective or governmental control of production and distribution The socialist policies implemented by the new government aimed to reduce economic inequality. electrolyzer /ih-LEK-truh-lahy-zer/ [noun] – devices that use electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen The factory invested in advanced electrolyzers to enhance its hydrogen production capabilities. drive /drahyv/ [verb] – to motivate or propel something forward or to push for progress The new marketing campaign aims to drive sales and attract new customers. competitiveness /kuhm-PEH-tuh-tuhv-nuhs/ [noun] –…
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Ants’ clever ways of surviving challenge traditional views on animal empathy


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. amputation /am-pyoo-TAY-shn/ [noun] – surgical procedures to remove damaged limbs or body parts, usually due to injury or infection Limb amputations are sometimes necessary after severe accidents. comrade /KOM-rad/ [noun] – a friend or trusted companion, esp. one with whom you have been involved in difficult or dangerous activities She found a loyal comrade in her longtime hiking partner. vigorously /VIG-er-uhs-lee/ [adverb] – in a way that is very forceful or energetic She vigorously scrubbed the kitchen floor until it sparkled. entomologist /en-tuh-MOL-uh-jist/ [noun] – a person who studies insects The entomologist discovered a new species…
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Desert moss from Xinjiang may hold key to Mars colonization, study reveals


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. sequester /si-KWES-ter/ [verb] – to separate and store a harmful substance such as carbon dioxide in a way that keeps it safe Scientists are researching methods to sequester carbon dioxide underground to mitigate its impact on climate change. physiological /fiz-ee-uh-LOJ-i-kuhl/ [adjective] – relating to the way in which a living organism or bodily part functions The physiological response to exercise includes an increased heart rate and faster breathing. accelerate /ak-SEL-uh-reyt/ [verb] – to increase in speed or cause something to happen sooner or more quickly The team worked tirelessly to accelerate the project’s timeline. probe /prohb/…
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Ancient predator fossils discovered


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. deduce /dih-DOOS/ [verb] – to reach an answer or a decision by thinking carefully about the known facts From the footprints, the detective could deduce that someone had been in the house. esteemed /ih-STEEMD/ [adjective] – highly respected and admired The esteemed professor received an award for her research. ecosystem /EE-koh-sis-tuhm/ [noun] – all the living things in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment The forest is a complex ecosystem with many different plants and animals. evolve /ih-VOLV/ [verb] – to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to…
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Hydrogen sulfide detects on Jupiter-like alien planet, resembling the smell of rotten eggs


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. colossal /kuh-LOS-uhl/ [adjective] – extremely large The colossal statue towered over the city, visible from miles away. leverage /LEV-er-ij/ [verb] – to use or utilize effectively The team plans to leverage their expertise to solve the complex issue. orbit /AWR-buht/ [verb] – to move in a curved or elliptical path around a central object, such as a planet orbiting a star or a moon orbiting a planet The moon orbits Earth in a regular, predictable path, influenced by gravitational forces. constellation /kon-stuh-LAY-shn/ [noun] – any of the groups of stars in the sky that seem from…
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Neanderthal fossil reveals earliest evidence of Down syndrome and compassionate care


©REUTERS/Nikola Solic/File Photo Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. archaeological /aar-kee-uh-LO-juh-kl/ [adjective] – involving or relating to archaeology, which involves the study of ancient human societies through their material remains The archaeological site in Valencia holds ancient artifacts. ear canal /eer kuh-NAL/ [noun] – the tube in the body that connects the outer ear and the middle ear The doctor examined my ear canal to check for any signs of infection. dizziness /DI-zee-nuhs/ [noun] – a temporary feeling that your sense of balance is not good and that you may fall down The patient experienced sudden dizziness when standing up. altruism /AL-troo-iz-uhm/…
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