Monthly Archive: December 2016
Fake U.S. embassy in Ghana shut down after a decade of issuing visas
GHANA—A fake U.S. Embassy was discovered in the capital city of Accra. It was issuing illegally obtained authentic visas for the past decade. The fake embassy was operating in a dilapidated pink two-storey building with a corrugated iron roof, along with the U.S. Flag outside and a portrait of President Barack Obama inside. The fake embassy was said to be operated by both Ghanian and Turkish organized crime rings, along with a Ghanian lawyer practicing immigration and criminal law. Turkish citizens who can speak English and Dutch posed as consular officers. Investigations revealed that the crime ring charges $6000 for illegally obtained U.S. Visas, identification documents and birth certificates….
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Fake U.S. embassy in Ghana shut down after a decade of issuing visas
Pre-reading questions: Have you tried applying for a passport or a visa? Have you tried transacting with your local government offices? What do you think embassies do? GHANA—A fake U.S. Embassy was discovered in the capital city of Accra. It was issuing illegally obtained authentic visas for the past ten years. The fake embassy was operating in an old, weathered pink two-storey building, along with the U.S. Flag outside and a portrait of President Barack Obama inside. Ghanian and Turkish organized crime rings were said to be working in the fake embassy, along with a Ghanian lawyer practicing immigration and criminal law. Turkish people who can speak English…
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Fake U.S. embassy in Ghana closed after 10 years of issuing visas

Pre-reading questions: Have you been to another country? What languages can you speak? GHANA—A fake U.S. Embassy was discovered in the city of Accra. It was giving illegal visas for ten years. The fake embassy looks old. A Ghanian lawyer and Ghanian and Turkish criminals work there. Turkish citizens who can speak English and Dutch pretend as embassy officers. The fake U.S. Embassy wants people to pay $6000 for fake U.S. Visas. The real U.S. Embassy in Ghana is a beautiful building in Cantonments. Vocabulary: embassy- [noun] the official place to represent a country in another country discovered- [verb] find fake- [adjective] not real illegal- [adjective] not…
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New Lung Transplant Technique To Save More Lives
A new life-saving method has been devised to lengthen the time needed by doctors to perform lung transplants. Surgeons will be given double the time to perform each operation with the ex-vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) in contrast to their typical six hours. The technique works to keep the lungs functioning, given that they are out of the human body for almost half a day, that is crucial to the recipient’s survival. Getting the organs to the patients on time is a matter of life and death. Fortunately, the EVLP can push the organ delivery for over 12 hours to the operation. The EVLP ices the lungs and pumps liquid…
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New Lung Transplant Technique To Save More Lives
Pre-reading questions: Do you catch cold every year? How often? What do you usually do when you are sick? Have you tried donating your blood? Lung transplant is a critical operation. Doctors rush to finish the procedure within six hours before the lungs expire. A technique called Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion (EVLP) has been developed. This technique keeps the lungs safe for over 12 hours. It means the organ can be transported to far hospitals in need of the organ. The lungs are removed from the donor and must be put on ice. It will undergo EVLP when transported to the hospital. The process warms up the lungs….
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New Lung Transplant Technique To Save More Lives

Pre-reading questions: Are you living a healthy lifestyle? How do you keep yourself healthy? What are the common illnesses that you know? Lung transplant is a dangerous operation. Doctors need to finish the process within six hours before the lungs become damaged. A new process was discovered called Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion (EVLP). The lungs are taken out from the donor and put on ice. After being delivered to the hospital, the lungs go through EVLP. The process warms up the lungs by pumping oxygen to the lungs. The process keeps the lungs alive for up to 12 hours. Vocabulary: transplant – [verb] to transfer from one…
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Amazon Limits Customer Reviews
Online store Amazon has set a cutoff point on the allowed number of reviews per user. The site’s revised rules consent five ratings per week only, of items not purchased via the website. This is to abolish feigned ratings on the online marketplace – an act to regain the customers’ trust. On top of that, Amazon has engaged in a lawsuit against sellers that trade complimentary merchandise in exchange of affirmative ratings. This act also intends to clamp down people exploiting online merchants through such agreement. The online store also targets to hamper reviews of purchased products if it has an unusually huge number of reviews in an instant….
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