Tag Archive: world news – expert

China embarks on gradual retirement age reform to address pension pressures


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. statutory /STACH-oo-tawr-ee/ [adjective] – decided or controlled by law The statutory requirement for obtaining a driver’s license includes passing both a written and a practical test. alleviate /uh-LEE-vee-eyt/ [verb] – to make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe The charity aims to alleviate poverty in the region by providing food and medical supplies to those in need. reform /ri-FAWRM/ [noun] – an improvement or change that is made to a particular system, structure, or policy The government is planning to introduce educational reform to improve the quality of teaching in public schools. reliant /ri-LAHY-uhnt/ [adjective]…
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Anant Ambani’s Wedding draws global icons and political figures


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. extravagant /ek-STRAV-uh-guhnt/ [adjective] – spending much more money or using many more things than you need to The princess wore an extravagant gown with diamonds and pearls. opulent /OP-pyuh-luhnt/ [adjective] – grand and expensive-looking, showing great wealth The opulent palace was decorated with gold and intricate carvings. constellation /KON-stuh-LEY-shuhn/ [noun] – metaphorically used to describe a collection of prominent or influential figures The conference was a constellation of industry leaders, each shining brightly with innovative ideas and experience. dazzling /DAZ-uh-ling/ [adjective] – extremely impressive, beautiful, or skillful The fireworks display was dazzling, with bursts of color…
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Minnesota flooding causes partial dam collapse


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. framework /FRAYM-work/ [noun] – a supporting structure around which something can be built The framework of the new school building was completed last month. deterioration /dih-TEER-ee-uh-RAY-shun/ [noun] – the process of becoming worse in condition over time The deterioration of the old bridge made it unsafe to cross. perilous /PER-uh-lus/ [adjective] – full of danger or risk They decided not to venture into the perilous forest alone. hazardous /HAZ-er-duhs/ [adjective] – involving risk or danger The hazardous chemicals required careful handling by trained professionals. stability /stuh-BIL-i-tee/ [noun] – the state of being secure, firm, and reliable…
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Australia increases visa fees to manage migration surge and enhance education integrity


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. rationale /rash-uh-NAL/ [noun] – the reasons or intentions that cause a particular set of beliefs or actions The rationale behind the new policy was to promote environmental sustainability and reduce carbon emissions. loophole /LOOP-hohl/ [noun] – a technicality or ambiguity in a law or regulation that allows someone to avoid a certain requirement or restriction The legal team discovered a loophole in the tax code that enabled the company to minimize its taxable income significantly. prerequisite /pri-REK-wuh-zit/ [noun] – something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen Passing the entrance exam…
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Endangered no more: Iberian lynx reclassified as vulnerable after remarkable recovery efforts


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. reclassify /ree-KLAS-uh-fahy/ [verb] – to classify again; especially to change the classification of (something, such as a biological specimen) The scientist decided to reclassify the species after discovering new genetic information. collaborative /kuh-LAB-uh-ray-tiv/ [adjective] – involving two or more people working together for a special purpose The students completed a collaborative project in science class. rebound /ree-bound/ [verb] – to have increased or recovered after a period of decline or stagnation After years of decline, the local fish population rebounded following strict conservation measures and community involvement in protecting their natural habitat. stark /stahrk/ [adjective] –…
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Tropical storm Alberto makes landfall, triggering floods and evacuations in Texas and Northern Mexico


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. especially /iz-PE-shuh-lee / [adverb] – particularly; more than usual People were advised to take precautions, especially those living near the coast. weaken /WEE-kuhn/ [verb] – to become less strong; to diminish in intensity The storm weakened as it moved further inland, causing less damage. caution /KAW-shuhn / [noun] – care taken to avoid danger or mistakes Drivers should exercise caution on wet roads to prevent accidents. readiness /RED-ee-nis / [noun] – the state of being prepared or eager to do something The team showed great readiness for the upcoming competition. heighten /HAHYT-n / [verb] – to…
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Regan Smith shatters records and hearts


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. perseverance /pur-suh-VEER-uhns / [noun] – continued effort and determination in spite of difficulties or opposition Despite facing many challenges, his perseverance in learning English paid off when he passed the exam. accompany /uh-KUHM-puh-nee / [verb] – to go along with someone or something; to be present or occur at the same time as something else His anxiety was accompanied by sweaty palms and a racing heart during the presentation. solace /SOL-is / [noun] – comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness After a long day, she found solace in her favorite book, escaping…
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Mexican governor foresees avocado export resumption amid security incident


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. halted /HAHL-ted/ [adjective] – stopped or brought to a stop The train service was temporarily suspended due to a halted signal system. stem /stem/ [verb] – to originate from or have its source in The controversy stems from a misunderstanding between the two parties. assault /uh-SAWLT/ [verb] – to have physically attacked or violently confronted someone The protestors assaulted the security guards during the demonstration. hinge /hinj/ [verb] – to depend or rely upon The success of the project hinges on securing funding from investors. lucrative /LOO-kruh-tiv/ [adjective] – (especially of a business, job, or activity)…
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Extreme weather chaos across U.S.


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. hail /heyl / [noun] – small, hard balls of ice that fall from the sky like rain The forecast predicts a severe thunderstorm with possible hail this afternoon. saturated /SAT-uh-ray-ted/ [adjective] – containing as much of a substance as possible. The sponge was saturated with water and couldn’t hold anymore. excessive /ek-SEH-siv/ [adjective] – too much; more than is reasonable Eating excessive amounts of candy can make you feel sick. hypothermia /hy-poh-THER-mee-uh/ [noun] – a serious medical condition caused by very low body temperature After falling into the icy lake, he was treated for hypothermia. impassible…
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TikTok advances plans to develop independent U.S. algorithm amid legislative pressure


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. algorithm /AL-guh-rith-uhm/ [noun] – a set of rules or a step-by-step procedure designed to perform a specific task or solve a problem The algorithm used on online shopping websites helps predict customer preferences and suggest products accordingly. divestiture /dih-VES-ti-cher/ [noun] – the act of selling something, especially a business or part of a business, or of no longer investing money in something The company announced the divestiture of its non-core assets to focus on its primary business operations. feasible /FEE-zuh-buhl/ [adjective] – able to be made, done, or achieved The engineers are currently assessing whether the…
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