Monthly Archive: January 2017
Paris Climate Change Agreement gains approval
The Paris Agreement finally takes effect after a continuous effort to fend off the disastrous climate change. Reaching about 195 countries, the agreement endorses the goal to address the planet-warming emissions of greenhouse gases. It aims to limit the increase of global temperatures to 2°C, and if possible, to 1.5°C. Presenting the specific details to successfully eradicate the problems, however, remains a struggle. According to the Paris-based executive director of the International Energy Agency, Fatih Birol, even if the countries that signed the agreement fully achieves their initial vows, the increase will still be closer to 2.7°C. A number of companies is still yet to implement financial changes to…
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Paris Climate Change Agreement gains approval
Pre-reading questions: What is climate change? What do you think causes climate change? How does climate change affect our way of living? The Paris Agreement gains approval to prevent climate change. It aims to limit the global temperatures to 2°C or possibly to 1.5°C. However, the steps to accomplish the agreement are yet to be figured out. Fatih Birol, the executive director of the International Energy Agency in Paris, said that temperatures will still be up to 2.7°C even if the countries that signed the agreement fully achieve their primary promises. Some companies are still thinking of ways to address climate change. The agreement also made the market…
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Paris Climate Change Agreement gains approval

Pre-reading questions: What are the effects of climate change? Do you think climate change is really happening? The Paris Climate Change Agreement was finally approved last November 2016. It was created to battle climate change. The agreement aims to restrict the worldwide temperature that causes global warming. 109 countries promised to control carbon production to fight climate change. Participating countries are expected to implement the agreement on 2017. Vocabulary: agreement – [noun] an act of agreeing or act of mutual accord approve – [verb] to accept or to agree to restrict – [verb] to confine or to use with limits production – [noun] act of producing implement…
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Stolen Yahoo data for sale on dark web
Yahoo fell victim to 2013 hacking incident–weighed as the biggest data infringement in history. Personal information of Yahoo users including phone numbers, passwords, security questions, and backup email addresses had been stolen in the modus operandi. The acquired data was up for trading on the dark web, but its value had been expected to suffer since the incident had been public. Cybersecurity firm, InfoArmor, has identified Eastern Europe-based group of hackers called Group E responsible for the cybercrime. The same group was reported to have previously attacked Dropbox, Tumblr, and This act was often led to identity theft where hackers could obtain further information. Hackers such as Group…
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Stolen Yahoo data for sale on dark web

Pre-reading questions: Do you have an email account? How long have you been using your email account? How important is security in email accounts? Over one billion Yahoo accounts had been compromised in the hacking incident in 2013. Account owners’ personal data including phone numbers, passwords, security questions, and backup email addresses were illegally acquired in the process. It is considered the biggest data breach on the record. The stolen data had been for sale on the dark web, but since the incident had been disclosed to the public, the price was expected to decline. Investigators pointed the finger at Group E— a group of cybercriminals based in…
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Stolen Yahoo data for sale on dark web

Pre-reading questions: What email account do you have (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail)? What engine do you use for searching (Google, Yahoo, Safari, etc.)? More than one billion Yahoo accounts were hacked last 2013. Yahoo users’ phone numbers, passwords, security questions, and backup email addresses were stolen. It is by far the biggest incident of data stealing. All the information has been for sale on the dark web. But now that many people know about it, the price will become cheaper. Investigation says the group of hackers called Group E stole all the personal information from Yahoo. Group E is based in Eastern Europe. They have also hacked Dropbox, Tumblr,…
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Children’s love in a truck
A transit company headquartered in Takatsuki, Osaka Prefecture provided its drivers emotional support through the Kodomo Museum Project. The said scheme was carried it out by designing trucks with drawings made by the drivers’ children. This project was brought about to curtail road accidents. 15 other companies in the Kansai, Kanto, and Chubu regions had participated in the project succeeding its launching two years earlier. Hirofumi Miyata, president of Miyata Traffic and head of the Kodomo Museum Project, thought opting for state-of-the-art driving equipment may not be enough to prevent the occurrence of vehicular collision. While finding a better strategy, he chanced upon a picture drawn by a driver’s…
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