Monthly Archive: December 2018

Human-caused activities result to extreme weather conditions

landscape-Human-caused activities result to extreme weather conditions

Pre-reading questions: What are the effects of climate change? Give supporting details. Do you think that human-caused activities are the main reasons behind global warming? Explain. Vocabulary: peak /peek/ [verb] to reach the highest point, value, or level Her performance peaked since I last saw her. severity /suh-VER-i-tee/ [noun] the fact or condition of being extremely painful, difficult The severity of the heat during summer can cause heat stroke. human-caused /HYOO-muhn kawst/ [adjective] something that is done or caused by human Heavy street floods are a human-caused disaster because of improper waste disposal. seriously /SEER-uhs-lee/ [adverb] to consider a person, subject, or situation to be important or dangerous and worth…
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Human-caused activities result to extreme weather conditions

landscape-Human-caused activities result to extreme weather conditions

Vocabulary: utmost /UHT-mohst/ [adjective] the greatest amount or degree possible The new model of Toyota cars offers the utmost power and performance. intensify/ /in-TEN-suh-fahy/ [verb] to make something stronger or more extreme Smoke coming out of factories intensifies global warming. dynamic /dahy-NAM-ik/ [adjective] continuously changing The company’s policy is dynamic that’s why adaptability is a challenge to some employees. human-induced /HYOO-muhn in-DOOST/ [adjective] something that is done or caused by human Heavy street floods are a human-induced disaster because of improper waste disposal. drastically /DRAS-tik-uh-lee/ [adverb] extremely or very; in a way that is likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect In the desert, temperature drastically changes from day…
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Human-caused activities result to extreme weather conditions

landscape-Human-caused activities result to extreme weather conditions

Pre-reading questions: How is the weather in your city nowadays? What is your favorite weather? Vocabulary: high /hahy/ [adjective] greater than normal People cannot go swimming at the beach this morning because of the high tide. badness /BAD-nes/ [noun] unpleasant and can cause more danger The badness of the weather can cause heavy street floods. warming /WAWR-ming/ [noun] also known as global warming; a rise in temperature The melting of glaciers in the Arctic is caused by global warming. take place /teyk pleys/ [phrase] something will happen; to happen The graduation will take place at PICC Complex. sure /shur/ [adjective] when someone is sure about something, there are no negative…
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Berkhamsted Revisited: surprisingly popular among men

Podcast Berkhamsted Revisited

Vocabulary: cringe-worthy /krinj-WUR-thee/ [adjective] making you feel very embarrassed The movie that we watched last night was good but the supporting actor’s lines were cringe-worthy. unanticipated/ /uhn-an-TIS-uh-peyt-id/ [adjective] not having been expected to happen The charity event has been showered with unanticipated support from the politicians. feed /feed/ [noun] a web page, screen, etc. that updates My Facebook feed is full of posts about the Royal Wedding. flood with /fluhd with/ [phrasal verb] to receive many letters, messages etc. The popular boy in my school is flooded with love letters on Valentine’s day. reminisce /rem-uh-nis/ [verb] to talk or write about past experiences that you remember with pleasure The two…
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Berkhamsted Revisited: surprisingly popular among men

Podcast Berkhamsted Revisited

Pre-Reading Questions: What do you do on your free time? Have you listened to a podcast? Vocabulary: remember /ri-MEM-ber/ [verb] to be able to bring a piece of information back in your mind She remembers her 10th birthday party. about /uh-BOUT/ [preposition] on the subject of, or connected with The meeting was about the upcoming project. change /cheynj/ [verb] to make or become different Alice needs to change her mind about going to the party. everyone /EV-ree-wuhn/ [pronoun] every person Everyone attended the mass last Sunday. page /peyj/ [noun] web page; one part of a website Her Facebook page is full of celebrity pictures. Berkhamsted Revisited is the podcast to…
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Berkhamsted Revisited: surprisingly popular among men

Podcast Berkhamsted Revisited

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you have a diary when you were young? What is your unforgettable moment when you were a teenager? Vocabulary: embarrassing /em-BAR-uhs-sing/ [adjective] making you feel shy or ashamed I once fell in front of my classmates and it was so embarrassing! edit /ED-it/ [verb] to make changes to a text or film in order to prepare it You need to edit it first before showing it to others. percentage /per-SEN-tij/ [noun] an amount of something, often expressed as a number out of 100 The percentage of television show ratings are going down. ecstatic /ek-STAT-ik/ [adjective] extremely surprising She was ecstatic when her parents gave her a car…
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1 out of 50 people falls in love on an airplane


Pre-reading questions: Do you like to travel by airplane? Have you been to another country? Vocabulary: result /ri-ZUHLT/ [noun] the information you get from something The result of the exam was posted. willingly /WIL-ing-lee/ [adverb] readily and enthusiastically I willingly babysit my granddaughter. stranger /STREYN-jer/ [noun] someone you do not know My father always warned me not to talk to strangers. lasting /LAH-sting/ [adjective] continuing to exist for a long time Did any of your teachers make a lasting impression on you? chance /chahns/ [noun] the level of possibility that something will happen She doesn’t have a chance to win the game. 1 in every 50 airplane passengers falls in…
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