Barnard-b (or GJ 699 B), also known as the super-earth rotating around the Barnard Star, could foster primitive lives based on the latest findings of Villanova University’s astrophysicists Edward Guinan and Scott Engle. They had recently discovered that there are hot iron or nickel core and geothermal activity underneath its surface. This was announced at the 233rd meeting of the American Astronomy Society (AAS) last January 10, 2019 in Seattle, Washington.

It was first discovered in November 2018 as an icy desert; which has a centigrade of minus 170 degrees. It has no signs of water, and only has dim lights from the sun, making it a hostile planet for it will freeze any living organism. But the detection of high levels of geothermal heating happening underneath its icy surface makes it a potential ‘life zone’ for simple alien lives. Researchers are still anticipating for future large telescopes, so they can have further observations about its habitability.