Did you know that hearing a loud alarm tone can make you feel unbalanced and lost? Find out some tips to ease your unhealthy body caused by an alarm clock, according to the study.

Australian scientists from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) noticed that their research is affiliated with Sleep Inertia or SI along with sounds of an alarm clock. The researchers conducted an evaluation to prove that Sleep Inertia is connected to the uncertainty of human performance and sound aspects. There were 50 participants who cooperated in the said analysis. But then, the result yielded a high number of using severe sounds.

Most people don’t know what Sleep Inertia is. Sleep Inertia has to do with the condition of the cognitive case and sensory-motor performances that we feel after waking up in the morning. This kind of status could harm our brain and may result in high blood pressure and heart disorder. It could also influence deeds and can lead to brain damage to a person who uses alarms especially to those workers who struggle from dangerous jobs like firemen, doctors and pilots. So, the researchers planned and did various studies appraising the series of the accuracy of sounds and rhythm of an alarm clock.

Meanwhile, if you wake up inconveniently, your actions and performances may be affected and could worsen the central portion of our brain for about an hour after sleeping. That could also lead you to accidents or severe pain and discomfort in your mind and body. Some people might consider that an alarm sound “beep beep beep” will help you gain firmness and energy, but it’s absolutely not. Thus, it will be the cause of having a destructive mindset.