- never-ending /nev-er-EN-ding/
- overwhelming /oh-ver-HWEL-ming/
- productivity /proh-duhk-TIV-i-tee/
- squander /SKWON-der/
- integrate /IN-ti-greyt/
- motivate /MOH-tuh-veyt/
[adjective] something that never ends or seems as if it will never end
The discussion of literature is like a never-ending process.
[adjective] very great or very large
The club president has an overwhelming feeling from the amount of work he had to finish.
[noun] the ability to do as much work as possible in a particular period
The country is looking for a good way to improve agricultural productivity.
[verb] to waste opportunities by not using them to your advantage
Students should not squander their chance to be a scholar.
[verb] to combine two or more things into one
Kindly integrate these activities for our curriculum next school year.
[verb] to make someone want to do something well
The coaches motivate the athletes who will compete in other countries.
Here are some tips for you on how to make the perfect to-do list:
Keep it under control:
How many can you fit in one day? Actually, you only need to list 10 tasks at most. Determine the most important thing that you really need to accomplish and how much time you need for each task.
Start with easier ones:
You can feel good at making progress when you start doing and finishing the easier tasks. You should not squander it all on the easier tasks, for it will serve as warm-ups to high priority tasks that you really need to finish.
How many lists?
Your to-dos should be integrated into your calendar immediately. It will help you to plan for your days realistically. To avoid disordering your list and feeling overwhelmed, Morganstern suggested subdividing it. According to her, you need to do it by category or by batch processing. Do all your financial stuff, marketing stuff, and all your people stuff at one time to avoid switching back and forth.
For every disciplined effort, there are multiple rewards
Should you give yourself a reward once you have completed some tasks? As stated by Morgenster, it can be useful if you are motivating yourself to do what you really don’t like to do. But for some people who are craving for accomplishment, the satisfaction of getting some tasks done is far more than enough as a reward for them.
If you are planning to start doing your “to-do list”, the tips above will really help you. Always remember to keep it under control. Try to list at most 10 tasks a day and start with easier tasks. It will give you a feeling of satisfaction when things are done. Do batch processing to avoid feeling overwhelmed and lastly, give yourself a reward. So, what are you waiting for? Try making your own to-do list now. You’ll find yourself less stressed and more organized than you had ever realized!
Comprehension Questions:
- What is the article all about?
- What does Clare Evans want to call her to-do list?
- How many tasks do you need to list at most based on the article?
- In the article, why should we start with the easier tasks?
- According to the article, how can we avoid the overwhelming feeling when making our lists?
Discussion Questions:
- Which part of the article do you find helpful for you and why?
- Do you know other tips that can help others do an effective to-do list? Please share.
- Do you think making a to-do list really helps you to be organized and finish your tasks on time? Please explain.
- In your own opinion, do you think giving yourself a reward when you finish some tasks is a good idea? Why or why not?
- Aside from making a to-do list, what other things do you think can help you be more organized?