Time management helps us organize details, saving us from decision fatigue. Yet, some experts claim that tasks, either productive work or leisure activities, don’t fit well into our timetables. In fact, scheduling can prevent us from accomplishing and completing our assignments.

Nowadays, many dedicate themselves to managing time with precision, thrusting blocks of our tasks into our schedules as much as we can on a day-to-day basis. But neither professional nor personal activities are always suitable to be organized. Assistant Professor Brad Aeon explains that decades of research imply over-organizing produces time pressure instead of benefits, as excessively arranging tasks can promote efficiency but not quality performance. Time management became a famed concept after people associated time with money. This means we base the quality of our time on how much we’re compensated for it. Over-organization potentially influences our emotions as well. For example, interruptions can be a source of stress and annoyance. Scheduling our tasks too tightly makes us feel like we don’t have enough time. Our sense of time becomes complicated as the deadline for a job assignment approaches because our understanding of time is inconsistent.

To lighten the burdens, change our concept of “time management”. Rather than allowing our schedules to determine our routines, we must dominate them as the organizers.