Every year on February 11th, National Foundation Day is commemorated in Japan. This event serves as a reminder for the Japanese to remember Emperor Jimmu’s founding of Japan in 660 B.C. National Foundation Day, also known as Kenkoku Kinen No Hi, is an ideal time to reflect on the challenges faced by the predecessors in establishing the country. This occasion allows us to rekindle the Japanese’s patriotism and nurture their passion for their nation. National Foundation Day commemorates Emperor Jimmu’s ascent to the throne in 660 B.C., which laid the foundations for Japan. Jimmu, a descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu, was born in Miyazaki Prefecture on the island of Kyushu. He was regarded as one of the most courageous emperors of his time. Jimmu started wars with practically every tribe in the area at the time, and he won them all. Jimmu united Japan after defeating several clans regularly. The “Kojiki” tells the story of Emperor Jimmu’s legacy.

National Foundation Day was originally celebrated in conjunction with New Year’s Day, but the dates were altered somewhat when Japan switched from a lunar to a Gregorian calendar in 1873 under the Meiji authority. As a result, the date was pushed up to February 11th. The day was marked with vigor and patriotism during the Second World War. Throughout Japan, many formal celebrations, parades, and fireworks were held. The holiday was, however, abolished for a variety of reasons. After a lot of surveys, public requests, revisions, and bills the holiday was once again established but never had the significance it had in the past.