It’s a common criticism these days that friendships aren’t what they used to be. In restaurants, people are gazing at their phones instead of conversing. Selfie culture has turned us into narcissists who are more concerned with our public image than being present with one another. Friendships today are more conditional than they were in the past in several ways.

In recent years, the internet connection has grown more vital than ever. So, what is the nature of evolving friendship? Even if internet interaction isn’t destroying friendships, many individuals are concerned that the way we choose and nurture our friends through digital technology promotes low-quality social interactions. What are the lessons to be learned from all of this? The mediums and technology of friendship may change, but much remains the same. Despite the fact that phone calls and handwritten letters from a few decades back may appear to be more healthy than WhatsApp communications today, their objective is the same.

While it may be tempting to lock their phones away and send them outside with a skipping rope, doing so would likely exclude them from an important community. And while spending every waking hour hunched over a smartphone isn’t a recipe for a fulfilling life, neither is spending every waking moment writing letters.