Today’s “kids” face a lot of challenges, including social media, pampering parents, and more pressure to succeed. However, is it causing them to mature faster or slower than previous generations?

Adults who recall a childhood free of the restrictions, oversight, and digital pressures that today’s youth face believe that children no longer have the opportunity to be children. In some ways, this could be accurate. The average parent gives their child a smartphone when they are 10 years old, giving them unfettered access to news, social media, and other amenities normally reserved for adults, requiring them to mature emotionally before reaching maturity. The term “KGOY,” which stands for “kids getting older younger,” alludes to the fact that today’s children are better educated than previous generations. The idea is centered on marketing, and it argues that children have a better level of brand awareness than their parents as a result of KGOY, and so things should be promoted to children rather than their parents.

Children may be exposed to more information as a result of technological advancements, allowing them to grow more intellectually sophisticated. However, whether kids are growing up faster or slower is a matter of perception. It might also be time to reconsider our definitions of maturational milestones and what it means to mature swiftly.