The original film in the Spider-Man trilogy set the standard for modern superhero films, but none of the sequels have come close, says Director Kambole Campbell.

Spider-Man benefited from Sam Raimi’s own visual style: it produced a sense of nostalgia for comic books, something the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) films have tried but failed to do, with so much computer-generated imagery (CGI) and an interchangeable house style. The movie has a cartoonish design and uses techniques like montage and superimposition, and a changing collage of images shows Peter Parker’s early development of the Spider-Man costume, which is the silver screen’s response to comic books’ visual language. Raimi’s mastery of numerous genres leads to the film’s vast chain of events, which should not make sense when put together but does.

Plans for a fourth Spider-Man film were put on hold due to studio disagreements. However, in today’s world of comic-book movies, the trilogy stands out for collecting traits that have since been lost.