The moon glowed crimson after a total lunar eclipse was observed on Monday, May 16. The moon was entirely engulfed in the Earth’s shadow at the time, temporarily making it a deep hue of dark red. Lunar eclipses are frequently referred to as “blood moons” because of this. Coincidentally, a supermoon transpired: This is when the moon seems larger than usual when it is at the closest point in its orbit to the Earth. Stargazers witnessed the super blood moon from 03:29 GMT when the full lunar eclipse began and became visible in the Western hemisphere. In Greece, spectators congregated near Athens at the Temple of Poseidon to observe the moon before the total eclipse. The phenomenon was only visible for a portion of that period in Europe due to the moon beginning to set. However, places in the Americas with clear skies captured the complete spectacle.

Although total lunar eclipses occur only twice a year, the Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts seven more full moons in 2022:

June 14: Strawberry moon
July 13: Buck moon
August 11: Sturgeon moon
September 10: Harvest moon
October 9: Hunter’s moon
November 8: Beaver moon
December 7: Cold moon

These are Native American tribes’ names for the monthly full moons that have become prominent. Because a full moon has varied connotations for different ethnic groups month to month or season to season, the names differ from tribe to tribe.