Many cultures mark the passage from childhood to adulthood. In Japan, Seiji no Hi, also known as the Coming of Age Day, is observed in a more quiet manner. But when does someone in Japan become an adult?

The traditional coming-of-age ceremony known as Genpuku had a slightly different celebration during the Nara era (710–794). Over time, the definition of adulthood has changed, ranging from 10 to the current age of 20. On April 1, 2022, Japan’s adult age changed for the first time in more than 140 years, going from 20 to 18. Anyone under the age of 20 is still prohibited from gambling, buying cigarettes, entering bars, or drinking alcoholic beverages. Young women dress in furisodes and extravagant and colorful kimonos, which they frequently rent. After that, they visit beauty salons to have their hair and makeup perfectly styled. On the other hand, young men are more comfortable wearing a suit and tie or a simple black kimono with a fluttering hakama. Afterward, they finish the formalities in a conference room, a school gym, or, most recently, Tokyo Disneyland. These include speeches, goal statements, awards, and—the most anticipated of all—presents.

Cultures have different standards for when someone must start performing adult responsibilities. When do you believe real adulthood starts?