Pre-reading questions
- How important is privacy to you?
- How do you respect other people’s privacy?
- contract /KON-trakt/
- scan /skan/
- detailed /DEE-teyld/
- demand /dih-MAND/
- third party /thurd PAHR-tee/
[noun] – a legal document that states and explains a formal agreement between two different people or groups, or the agreement itself
They ended my contract in December.
[noun] – a picture of a document that has been put into a computer
The requirements consist of X-rays, scans, or blood tests.
[adjective] – giving a lot of information with many details
This is a detailed list of all the tasks that need to be completed.
[verb] – to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused
Better working conditions are demanded by the workforce.
[noun] – a third person or organization less directly involved in a matter than the main people or organizations that are involved
Does a third party provide insurance for this kind of damage?
Article reading
The suspected hacking group has been linked to a high-profile string of attacks on schools in the US and the UK in recent months. If money is not paid, the group will demand payment before leaking the stolen documents. According to estimates, the school’s attack happened on September 28 last year, when it emailed parents to let them know that its phone and IT systems were down. The school’s computers had been accessed by “an unauthorized third party,” based on a second email the headteacher sent on October 7.
Comprehension questions
- How many schools have had their private documents leaked?
- When were the records taken?
- Based on the article, what documents does the “confidential” folder contain?
- What does the hacking group do when payment is not made?
- According to estimates, when did the school’s attack happen?
Discussion questions
- How do you make sure your personal information online is safe?
- Do you think social media sites take away too much of your private information? Why or why not?
- If you were a parent at the school mentioned in the article, what actions would you take to protect your child’s personal information?
- Do you think there is a way to prevent hackers from leaking personal information?
- Do you believe that the Internet improves or takes away privacy? Please share your thoughts.