The tomatoes on your sandwich might have been grown just a few floors above the deli counter. How far can this new agricultural method go?

Vertical farming is not a new idea; farmers have long looked for methods to boost production while using less soil and space. Over the past few years, modern vertical farming has become more widely used. Oishii, a vertically-farming strawberry corporation with headquarters in New Jersey, is one example of this. In a famous New York store in 2021, a large bag of its highly regarded Japanese Omakase strawberries would cost $50 (£44). In addition to highlighting the significant challenges in commercializing vertical farms, this high price also shows that vertical farming has a chance to compete with and ultimately surpass traditional farming in terms of quality.

In conclusion, vertical farming has the potential to change how we produce and consume food, despite the fact that it is still in its early stages and faces many challenges. It has the potential to solve the problems of population growth and food security.