Europe has taken a significant step towards shaping the future of artificial intelligence (AI) with the introduction of the AI Act. Proposed by the European Commission, this comprehensive legislation aims to establish clear rules and guidelines for the development, deployment, and regulation of AI systems across the European Union (EU). The AI Act focuses on striking a balance between innovation and ethical considerations while ensuring the protection of individuals’ rights and safety.

An important aspect of the AI Act is its risk-based regulatory approach. AI systems are categorized into different risk levels based on their potential impact on human lives and fundamental rights. High-risk applications used in critical infrastructure, healthcare, and law enforcement will be subject to strict requirements, including transparency, human oversight, and robust data governance. This framework aims to foster public trust and ensure responsible AI development and deployment. Another key feature of the AI Act is the emphasis on safeguarding fundamental rights. The legislation prohibits AI systems that manipulate individuals’ behavior or exploit their vulnerabilities using subliminal techniques. It also mandates transparency requirements, ensuring individuals are informed when interacting with an AI system to prevent hidden manipulation or discrimination. Additionally, the AI Act establishes a regulatory framework for biometric identification systems, aiming to protect privacy and ensure fair and transparent use of such technologies.