Many people who care about health and animal welfare are worried about something important: the overuse of antibiotics in animals like cows and pigs. This is especially concerning when it comes to providing food to schools and hospitals in the UK. Antibiotics are medicines that help us fight off infections, but when they are used too much, they can become less effective. This is a problem not only for the animals but also for us, humans. When animals are given too many antibiotics, they can develop resistance to them, which makes these medicines less useful when we get sick. This is a worldwide issue, and it’s a big deal because we need these medicines to stay healthy.

The Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics investigated 10 major food suppliers to UK schools and hospitals. They discovered that these companies often disregard non-mandatory guidelines on responsible antibiotic use in animal farming. The government should establish and enforce strict antibiotic usage rules in companies to preserve these vital medicines, safeguard both human and animal health, and lead the global fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Collaboration between the government, food companies, and suppliers is key to success in this crucial endeavor.