In the Pacific Ocean near Japan’s Iwo Jima island, a brand-new island has just popped up. This occurred because of an underwater volcano eruption, as reported by Japan’s Meteorological Agency on November 1. The new island is part of the Ogasawara Island group, situated about 750 miles south of Japan’s mainland and very close to Iwo Jima Island. This event is exciting for scientists because it provides a rare chance to observe how land forms in real-time, helping to understand more about how the Earth changes.

The island’s creation is a captivating natural event, and it is all thanks to the materials that shot out of an underwater volcano. These materials gathered and turned into solid ground in the middle of the ocean over time. While similar happenings have been seen in the past in this area, this one is special because it is the first time magma has come up here since 1986. The duration of this new island’s existence is uncertain because these types of islands usually do not last very long. They often disappear under the sea in just a few weeks or months because the ocean’s conditions are harsh and unpredictable. Erosion, waves, and tides can quickly wear down and submerge these volcanic islands, making them temporary and short-lived.