In Santa Monica, near Los Angeles, a new way of dating called Icebreakers is gaining attention. This event, led by Kyle Cassidy and Aryan Davani, founders of IcePass, brings singles together through ice baths. They aim to create conversations and connections among people who are submerged in very cold pools while wearing swimwear.

Icebreakers begin with meditation and music to set a unique atmosphere. Participants, paired randomly, engage in brief three-minute conversations guided by questions on waterproof cards while in 37 degrees Fahrenheit (2.78°C) water. Caitlyn Moyer, a 25-year-old dancer, struggled initially with the extreme cold but connected with her partner, 27-year-old engineer Miles Gibson, through eye contact. Gibson’s attendance was not solely for finding love but to embrace new experiences, illustrating the event’s appeal to various individuals, including athletes using ice baths for muscle recovery. Although Icebreakers focuses on making connections rather than just finding romance, it has led to seven couples going on further dates, and three relationships are still going strong. Kyle Cassidy advises participants to embrace the experience and let connections happen naturally. Whitney Hancock, a 36-year-old mental health worker, praised the unexpected closeness she felt with 39-year-old video producer Dustin Steward during their ice bath time, despite the discomfort of the cold water. She highlighted Steward’s kindness during their interaction.