Australia is leading a groundbreaking project to test gene-edited wheat, aiming to boost food production. This innovative wheat uses gene editing, a method that changes the wheat’s genes without adding foreign DNA, unlike genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This makes the wheat healthier and more robust, requiring less water and fewer chemicals. Experts believe gene editing is safer than GMOs and allows multiple genetic modifications at once. InterGrain, an Australian company, is conducting trials with thousands of wheat seeds from a U.S. firm, Inari, to improve crop yields. These seeds, which feature numerous genetic variations, are grown in a greenhouse in southeast Queensland. Successful initial results will lead to wider trials across Australia in 2025 to find the best gene combinations for greater harvests. The head of InterGrain emphasizes that this initiative targets not only increased wheat production but also major global issues like food shortages and climate change. By incorporating advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and CRISPR-Cas, this approach could revolutionize farming, enhancing food security and environmental sustainability.