Some hikers got sick at a famous spot in Arizona with pretty blue-green waterfalls near the Grand Canyon. Madelyn Melchiors, a 32-year-old vet, got very sick while camping but managed to hike back with help. She used a water filter that does not remove viruses and said it was important to keep things clean. The Indian Health Service is looking into why people got sick and is helping out. Health officials told hikers to filter their water and keep sick people away from others to stop the spread of disease. Many tourists visit Havasupai every year by foot, helicopter, or mule. The 8-mile hike to the first waterfall goes through a desert, a village, and camping areas. The campsites are small and have a lot of trash. Water tests near a spring show it was safe, but some people left by helicopter because they got sick. People posted on social media about stomach problems, and many visitors are using up a lot of water and making a lot of waste. The tribe is considering better water filters and stricter rules to keep campsites clean to protect everyone.