Above the ancient Eromanga Sea, Haliskia peterseni, a powerful flying reptile with bony decorations and sharp teeth, hunted sea animals. Recently found in Queensland, Australia, this fossil is the most complete of its kind in the country, dating back about 100 million years. Haliskia has a wingspan of 15 feet (4.6 meters), making it larger and older than Ferrodraco, a similar creature discovered in 2019. Its name, “sea phantom,” reflects its spooky presence, reminiscent of the vanished Eromanga Sea that once covered much of Australia. Adele Pentland, a PhD student at Curtin University studying ancient life, explains this connection. Pentland emphasizes the sea and Haliskia’s traces in fossils. Despite fragile pterosaur skeletons, Haliskia’s remains—jaws, throat bones, teeth, backbone, ribs, wings, and part of a leg—were well-preserved. This discovery provides new insights into its anatomy and behavior. Pentland also noted well-preserved throat bones, suggesting Haliskia may have had a strong tongue for catching fish and squid. Haliskia fossilized when sediment covered it on the Eromanga Sea floor, ensuring remarkable preservation. Its name honors Kevin Petersen, an avocado farmer turned museum curator who found the fossil in 2021.