Tropical Storm Alberto developed in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico last week, marking the beginning of what experts predicted would be a busy hurricane season. The storm made landfall in northern Mexico, bringing dangers such as strong winds, heavy rain, and flooding along the coasts of Texas and Mexico. Meteorologists were particularly concerned about the significant rainfall, which led to mudslides and flash floods, especially in states like Tamaulipas, Coahuila, and Nuevo Leon in Mexico, where some areas received over 20 inches of rain. Local authorities responded by closing schools and opening shelters in the affected areas. Residents were advised to stay informed through civil protection alerts and prepare for possible evacuation orders as Alberto approached. In Tampico, a city in Tamaulipas experiencing a severe drought, the rainfall brought relief from water shortages, although there were concerns about flooding.

Tropical storm warnings were active along the coast of Texas and northeastern Mexico as Alberto moved closer to land. After making landfall, the storm weakened and dissipated over Mexico on June 21, 2024. However, authorities remained vigilant regarding risks such as coastal flooding, dangerous ocean currents, and the potential for tornadoes or waterspouts, urging caution among residents and travelers alike. This storm served as a reminder of the active hurricane season forecasted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), highlighting the importance of readiness and awareness within vulnerable coastal communities. Overall, Tropical Storm Alberto presented immediate challenges for coastal regions in Texas and Mexico, underscoring the ongoing risks associated with tropical weather systems during this heightened hurricane season.