Saruwaka Kiyoshie, aged 74, is well-known for her skills in surfing and traditional Japanese dance. Recently, she has discovered a new passion: breakdancing. This interest was sparked when she learned that breakdancing would be included in the 2024 Paris Games. Saruwaka recalled watching young breakdancers near train tracks long ago and dreaming of joining them. She began her dance journey at the age of five with Nihonbuyo, a traditional Japanese dance. Breakdancing was not something she ever expected to pursue later in life, but its energy and excitement drew her in. Saruwaka is now part of Ara Style Senior, a Japanese club where older adults learn breakdancing. Started by 71-year-old Tokyo official Reiko Maruyama, the club aims to bring enjoyable physical activities to the community. With guidance from former national breaking champion Yusuke Arai, they introduced breakdancing to seniors, inspired by its upcoming Olympic debut. Arai, known for mentoring top breakdancers, believes this initiative can reshape views on age and fitness. Despite not performing Olympic-level routines, Saruwaka and her group recently delighted audiences at a local festival. For Saruwaka, breakdancing is a fun way to stay fit and take a break from teaching classical dance, and she plans to keep dancing in the future.