The recent marriage of Mukesh Ambani’s youngest son to his longtime girlfriend was a highly extravagant affair held at Mumbai’s Jio World Convention Centre, an opulent venue owned by the Ambani family. The ceremony, steeped in tradition, commenced on a Friday evening and extended into the early hours of the following day, culminating in a heartfelt blessing ceremony where guests had the opportunity to extend their well wishes to the newlyweds. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s attendance at a reception hosted by the Ambani family on Saturday evening emphasized the event’s importance in both social and political contexts. The guest list was a constellation of global luminaries, including former British Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Boris Johnson, along with U.S. climate envoy John Kerry. International celebrities like Kim Kardashian and John Cena added a touch of Hollywood glamour, while stalwarts of Bollywood such as Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan lent their star power to the festivities. The entertainment lineup was equally dazzling, featuring performances by renowned musicians Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, and Pitbull, further elevating the grandeur of the celebration.

The Ambani family’s extravagant lifestyle is exemplified not only by their lavish events but also by their iconic 27-story family estate in Mumbai, a symbol of their immense wealth and social status. Anant Ambani, the groom, plays a pivotal role in overseeing the conglomerate’s expansion into renewable energy, while the bride, Radhika Merchant, serves as the marketing director for her father’s company, Encore Healthcare. Their union not only marked a significant social event but also reflected the blend of tradition and modernity that defines the Ambani legacy in contemporary India.